Saving you from yourself {4}

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The next morning, I took to my usual routine, shower, food, gather my things, etc. But when I went back upstairs to grab my Thumb Drive in case I needed it today, I saw a note on my desk. Hm. Maybe Julian left it?

I picked it up and opened it from its intricately folded form. It was apparently from Jaxon. It read:

Hey, me and some friends are going out for my birthday Friday. Would you mind coming with me? They won’t let me hear the end of being alone on another birthday, and you’re the only person I could think to ask. I need your answer today at school, ASAP. Thanks.


I couldn’t read a scratched out bit at the end. Hm. I didn’t think of it and put the note down and headed out to the bus stop with my iPod on and le ear buds in, listening to “Secrets” by One-Republic. That song cheered me up sometimes. I guessed I would go with Jaxon. I May as well try to get out a little more. Not that it would help me at all. I got on the bus and tried to ignore the hateful glances I got. I sighed as I sat down. Why treat me like this just because I was gay? Couldn’t they just freaking deal with it? Nope. Someone threw a pencil at me. It didn’t hit me. I shook my head at their ignorance and turned up my music then slumped against the window to sleep. I felt spitballs battering me. Are you kidding me?! Idiots.

When we got to school, I went to the Cafeteria looking for Jaxon. As always, he was there. Same place as always. He and Angelique we’re arguing, Jaxon seemed a little embarrassed, and Angelique was clearly teasing. Poor guy. I walked over silently and stopped right beside Angelique, a little behind her, just out of her peripheral vision.

“Hey.”I said, normally as ever, in my shy, soft voice.

I jumped a bit when Angelique jumped backwards and almost fell. Jaxon laughed.

“THAT’S KARMA BITCH!” He yelled a bit too loud. Everyone stared for a second then turned away, back to their own issues.

“Shut up Jaxon he scared me!”She punched him in the stomach, put the only reaction she got was the sound of her fist meeting the rock layer of his abdomen. He did nothing but chuckle.

“Hey, Cyrus. What’s up?” Jaxon was still laughing.

“I got your note. I’ll go with you to whatever thing you have going on Friday.”My tone was as shy as ever, if not even more.

“Oh, thanks a ton.” He said, gratefully. Then the bell rang. We went to our classes. First period was easier since I had Angelique’s help. Second period went fine, Third period, all was well, and then Fourth period came along and ruined everything like the little bitch P.E. always was. Harry showed up.

“He got a schedule change…He knew you were in here so he spread the word around the whole school he was gonna, Quote ‘Beat the living shit’ out of you.”Gary, one of my newer enemies warned me.

“Gee, thanks Gar.” I left it at that. I took my spot in roll call order and sat. Thank goodness I was on the other side of all the people. Despite that though, he still had to make me miserable, even from a distance.

“Hey, faggot! It’ll be you and me today.” Good ol’ homophobic Harry then proceeded to make the fist to palm motion, the palm, being face, his fist of course being it’s self.

Great, I thought to myself.

Then Jaxon burst in, running to Harry in his gym clothes. Man did that boy look sexy in some gym shorts- NO BAD CYRUS. I was shocked at myself for thinking something like that. Anyway, his wrists were completely covered in an assortment of bracelets, some completely random, some showing love for bands, My Chemical Romance, Paramore, BvB, Evanessence etc.

“Leave him alone, Harry.” Jaxon gave ol’ h.H such an intimidating death glare, He actually backed up. Jaxon came over to his spot a few people away from me and smiled. “I got a Schedule change. Last minute, that’s why I was late. Heh.”

I nodded and was startled when the Gym teacher, Coach Milson, blew his whistle loudly. Me and Jaxon went out to the track together, the normal routine was the same today, walk the track or participate in one of the coaches Activities. Harry chose weight lifting and was probably embarrassed when he dropped a weight on his neck. Coach had to rescue the poor guy. I giggled and he ran for me. Jaxon was ahead of me on the track. Way ahead. No one else was here…I screamed for Jaxon but Harry was already to me, pummeling me with his fists.

“STILL WANNA LAUGH AT ME YOU FUCKING FAGGOT?! HUH?!” He kept hitting me, concentrated punches. It hurt so much. Why wasn’t coach doing anything? He was right there.

Jaxon showed up and shoved Harry off me. I fell over and hit my head on the asphalt. Jaxon knelt beside me.

“I’m sorry…”His sad voice seemed so far away… “Cyrus, Stay with me, come on kid!” Jaxon screamed. It seemed nothing more than a whisper...It was so far away…I couldn’t do it. I lost my grips with consciousness and passed out.


Ok guys, I really need to know what you think of all my characters…PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IN THE COMMENTS >.< I’m so nervous! OOOO plus, what do you think Jaxon put on his note that he scratched out??

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