Saving you from yourself{3}

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My time in our new house was short before school started. I had two days to look around. So it turned out I exaggerated a little bit. The house was not a mansion. It was just a larger house. Still Victorian style though. I liked that. I got to explore the forest and there was indeed a shallow but wide stream in the back. Those calmed me down…that sound of running water. Anyway, I everything about the place was great. Now it was Monday and school was starting. Julian could take me himself today, but I had to catch the bus home. There was one thing I hoped the school wouldn’t find out about me…I was gay. That was another reason I went berserk at my old school. I could take the crap before mom died…Then she was gone and…It was too much.

I dressed in one of my nicest pair of jeans, a BOTDF t-shirt, I put on some band bracelets, fixed my hair, and grabbed my school bag then headed out to Julian’s car.

“If anybody gives you crap today, or ever, call me ok? I gave you my office number, so just call any time.” Julian had told me this 10 times already. That was just between last night and this morning. I was glad…

“Yeah, I got it.” I replied. I had too much ice in my tone. I hated when that happened…I looked out the window. Soon we got to the school and I got out and waved to Julian.

I thought to myself, into the maw of the unknown we go.

I walked in to the office and a nice woman gave me my schedule. I took it too quickly . . . She glared and me and I rushed out. It was early, so I had time to stop by my locker too. I checked it out. It was a top locker, good for my height, and it was actually really close to my first few classes. I went to the library to get my books, put the ones I didn’t need in my locker, and took the ones I needed for my first classes up until lunch. I went to my first class. The desks were set up in pairs. There was no one else in there other than the teacher. She was middle aged. The name on the board matched my schedule. Mrs. Linton. I think this class was algebra or something…I hated math. It was my one weakness. I was great in everything else, reading, science, and all the other core classes. But math was certainly not my forte. I sat down and pulled out the text book and started early on the warm-up assignment. I didn’t understand a bit of it. People started coming in. Many of them already knew each other. They hugged and high fived and did handshakes I would prefer never to see again in my entire life. Then, a chubby (in a completely adorable way) Asian girl came to sit next to me. She had on a black jacket and I saw some BvB bracelets on her wrists.

“Hi.” She said. She had a really soothing voice…Almost like my m-no I can’t think about her now.

“Hi.” I replied shyly. “W-what’s your name?” I asked. She sat and took out her text book and started doing the problems with ease.

“I’m Angelique” She replied politely and looked at my bracelets. She smiled then looked at my paper. “Having trouble?”

“Well, actually, yeah.” I said. I pointed out the things I didn’t get, which was basically everything. Luckily, Mrs. Linton didn’t make me introduce myself. Another perk was that I could work with Angelique on all of this.

Basically the whole class was her telling me a bunch of things my still waking mind couldn’t grasp. It wasn’t just that I was tired, I straight up didn’t get math. Thank God the class ended quickly. We moved onto homeroom, which I discovered I had with Angelique as well. Phew. She seemed to be my only friend so far. For home room I had Science. I mentally screamed SCORE. I was good in science. I made it through the rest of the day until lunch. People glared at me. That was just for being new. Imagine if they found out I was gay. I didn’t get nice vibes from anyone in this room. I got my food and sat with Angelique.

“So, I see you like Black veil Brides and BOTDF. Who else do you like?” She asked, taking her iPod out.

“Breaking Benjamin is my favorite, I like Three days Grace, Three doors down, Skillet, Linkin Park, and Flyleaf. Do I have to go on?” I asked as I threw my tray away without eating a thing on it.

Saving you from yourself (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now