Saving you from yourself {6}

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~Cyrus's POV~ 

I opened my eyes to an all to shiny place. It seemed like it was made of mirrors and there was a light for each one. I tried to shade my eyes as well as I could. I was sore everywhere and i had a wicked headache. I looked around. I only saw light. I wondered if i was even standing. Then, I heard a voice. I very familiar voice. 

"Cyrus. Honey, I'm here. Cyrus, I need you to listen to me."

I jumped. This didn't seem possible. The voice was my mothers. I looked around again. I could see nothing. The voice came again. Closer this time.

"Cyrus. I'm sorry for what happened sweetie. But you must carry on. I can tell you're letting go. Please, for me. Hold on." She had a very pleading tone. 

I felt her gentle touch on my cheek. I still couldn't see her. 

"B-but I miss you mommy...I want to be with you again." I said, or at least tried to. I didn't hear myself.

"I know.' Her voice was starting to get further away. "But for my sake, you gotta hold on sweet heart."

I silently agreed. Then, the lights went out. I began to fall. I was scared. I tried to call out for my mom, but nothing came out. I felt myself land on some kind of soft surface. I lay there, in the dark. I felt sad. I wanted to go back now. To see Angelique, and Julian and...Jaxon. I was sure now that i had feelings for him. But I didn't know why. I lay there, unable to move, for what felt like hours and all i thought about was Jaxon. Then, I felt lips press softly against my forehead. They were his. I don't know how I knew, but I just knew. I must be in the hospital then. I smiled. The sadness went away, followed by the dark. There was light now. Apparently, I was laying on a hospital bed. I was content now. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Or did I? I looked around. I was in the same hospital bed as my, what can I call it, dream?

There was i tiny TV on the wall across from my bed, and there was a football game on. Ugh. I hate sports. Except NASCAR. I like NASCAR. The door had just closed. Someone must have walked out. I looked for a remote restlessly until a nurse came in to check on me. She seemed startled to see me awake. She asked me how I was and I told her I felt fine, minus being forced to watch men running around tackling each other for a stupid bundle of pig's skin. Ridiculous.

"Dr. Julian was just called for an emergency surgery. Just hit that little button on your bed side if you need me." She walked out quickly. 

"WAIT! I NEED A REMOTE!!! PLEASE!!" Apparently she didn't hear me. I figured she needed to attend to patients more important than me. I tried to sit up but i still felt ridiculously sore. I gave up on sitting up and looked around for a remote. Still nothing. Sigh. I couldn't turn over. So, with a profound sense of dread, I watched the nonsensical game being played untill my 'lunch' came. Chocolate pudding and salad with WAY to much cheese and NO ranch. Blegh. I ate the pudding and removed some cheese from the salad then tried to eat some of that. It had some chicken beneath the cheese though, so it was edible. I sat in wait for Julian and thought more and more about Jaxon. I wondered if he would come and see me again. I tried to nap but Was overwhelmed with thoughts of him. I remembered somehow feeling his lips on my forehead. I wondered what it would be like if they were to join with my own...

Saving you from yourself (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now