Chapter 7: Decoding the Encoded Designs and Algorithms

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Books are browsed, covers with no seated
dust. Bibliophiles, thinkers, and nerds
with eyeglasses—they are the reason why.

Postscript: To those who love to read and collect books, smell the pages, or fill up the shelves—this one is for you!

—15th Article: Thinkers, Scrolls and Chapters

Blue-Ribbon Class, Bldg. 402

"Logical Thinking and Reasoning is your second task. You have to face a monstrous giant with nine skulls and one hand. This is quite harder than the previous one, but the reward is greater. There's a series of encoded letters and algorithms per post, and you have to decode them by applying the right formula and equation."

Their professor gave them tools they could use to conquer the stages that they had to go through—these are the key, scepter, compass, aqua stone, and purplish crystal gems. The class was then escorted to the first stage.

"According to the instruction, we have to decrypt and solve the algorithms to unlock this treasure box. The direction is, there must be three personages who will execute this exertion. The first one is to generalize; the second one is to decipher and simplify; and the other one is to programme the acoustic waves' frequency and graph the visuals," Riz Claudia and Lewis iterated.

"I can optimize all of those, but to generalize is my utmost specialty," Yesh volunteered.

Yesh was also studious but not as studious as the other students, yet, she managed to ace tests both paper-and-pencil and practical. It was because her genes and hormonal functions have already carried the maths and sciences of her era, which time-traveled her to the artistic side and bridged her to the ease of time.

"I am to simplify."

"I'm for the graphs and visuals."

"Let's begin," Riz Claudia told.

The team tried to key in a code.

"The password doesn't match."

"According to what Lord Magaling (Head of Science Council) and Lord Mahusay (Head of Arts Council) advised weeks ago, the Cube Oracle should be facing east where the sun rises. It has something to do with the sunray's released energy," Yesh took note.

"Where's the compass?" Lewis asked.

Legion Evans and Super Prince searched in their pockets.

"This is not a compass. It's an aqua stone," Legion realized.

"Here! Here's the compass!" Super Prince confirmed.

The Cube Oracle was repositioned toward the south.

"Well, then. It clicked!" Riz Claudia operated.

"One more thing, another set and series of numbers. It's even-odd-even," Oslo detailed.

"I can't seem to recall what Professor Zilda tasked our class to remember, but it had something to do with the number of stages per task," Yesh recalled.

"Interlock 10-7-4," Legion commanded.

"It's not unlocking," Oslo sighed.

"Try to reverse it," Super Prince advised.


"We unlocked it!" Yesh reinstated.

* * *

"This time around, you may create or invent your own aesthetic input and design setting using this Creative Access System Toolbar or iSystem with high-sounding accuracy to assemble your own area, a suitable space that will let you succeed on this stage. You may refer to every connect-the-dots impresa to come up to a settled gauge," the professor pinpointed the details on the configuration see-through board.

"Professor, can we use all the access tools on iSystem?" Verlon asked.

"Of course, as much as possible. If you don't use all those tools, there will be a blank zone, a lacking part which may cause enigma or cluster imbalance to your designs," Professor Primo Zilda aided.

The mixed groups of well-adjusted learners with meat-and-potatoes skills did the basal tasks so well, as well as the complex side afterward. They harmoniously dealt with the background sound technicalities. Each team ideally converged to a common goal and output. It was accurately obvious to see that they enjoyed every minute of the mystery challenge as if they were just playing around. This was because they were strategically grouped at the right time, in the right condition, with the right peers.

"Twelve minutes more, and we're all done!"

"There are thirty-eight accessible tools remaining..."

"No, it's thirty-seven. You overlooked the sequence."

*After a timed hour*

The rest of the teams were able to use all the primers and tools effectively, which made them win the round. Unfortunately, the team of Verlon was not able to harness the last and only tool that would complete the equation—the only team who did not make it to the next round.

"We riddled it out!" the teams who figured out shouted.

*Lights were on...*

Those teams who made it up to Stage 7 received the Maven Medallion, while The Originals Medallion was for those who reached the Hallmark Region in Stage 8.

"So this is the Hallmark Region..."

"We finally meet this locale."

"... and stepped on to it."

The batch of receptive students were evidently amazed by the installation of the wall details.

"These are the ones we used to see in our book..."

"Precisely, the walls are Hexamilion-inspired."

"The ceilings are Byzantine."

The mindful professor witnessed how awestruck the students were, so she gave them time to view every side and corner of ground zero.

"Curious brains, I will give you twenty-five minutes to roam around the vicinity. Do not go too far, and keep your nexus map with you. Don't lose your sight to your groupmates. Reserve your energy. You still have tasks to finish in the next stage. You may take a photo if you want. Just don't turn on the flash; some of wall substances are sensitive to direct light exposure."

"Sab, it's been minutes since the last time you talked."

"Did you literally count the minutes? Funny you are! I was just thinking of how many years this was built."

"Me too. I'm wondering why that information is not found in our History book."

"That's the only information that isn't recorded in the textbook."

"Yes, that's somewhat mysterious."

"What if we ask our professor?"

"I guess she has also no idea about it since it's not documented in the volumes."

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