Secrets Untold

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February 8, 2015

        Oh boy, oh boy. Today was a great day in the life of investigation. So this missing couple that I told you about, they're dead. They were found dead that Sunday around 11:30am near a pond down the road from my grandparents' home. Their car was found in the pond near where they had been buried under pinestraw. They took my Uncle Ronnie into custody after they investigated him and he ran, but only later to find out that the GBI investigator Jamie Jones had told him at the end of the investigation Ronnie, I know you did this you sick bastard and I'll find every way in hell to prove it. Yes, I flipped out when my Aunt Desiree told me this. Hell no. No one will talk to my Uncle like that. He's the sick bastard and I want him to kiss my ass. And then my mother spilled that she and Jamie had dated in high school and tons went on between them that he resented her whole family for. Now he can really kiss my ass. I need to find this fellow. So today me and mom went to check on nannymama and papa. They're still torn. They had their first visitation this morning and he was able to have five visitors. He chose nannymama, papa, Uncle Josh, Aunt Desiree, and his wife Jessica. I was surprised he didn't want to see his 2 year old daughter Lauren but then I realized why. She'd have this memory for a few years and if she's anything like me, she'll hold on to it forever. I still remember a moment when I pulled my dresser on top of myself at 2 years old. I know now what I have to do. I have to give her what I never had, someone that's gonna protect her, her own superhero. But I'm not going to fail this child, she's gone through enough already. And I thought my life was fucked up because my dad thought drugs were more important than me. Well, let me rephrase that He knew drugs were more important than me. So now I have to deal with people that know my dad calling me a drughead but what about Lauren after all this? She'll be a called a killer and far worse than anything I was or will be. She already has a thing for Batman and that I shall be for her. It's like from the Twilight Saga I've imprinted on this child. But after all of this, me and mom had to do some of our own research and come up with our own theory. Going my the cops records my Uncle Ronnie wasn't in custody until 6am Sunday morning and when they had found the car and bodies around 11:30 they had only been there no more than 4 hours so therefore they were placed some time AFTER he was in custody. And asking around town, Aunt Desiree's friend claimed to have seen the vehicle of the missing couple parked on a road a few miles South of where they were found. And it appeared as if the couple had stopped a family passing through or as the town store clerk recalls the missing lady asking for directions to that road, they were called to meet up with these people. And not even thinking about it my mom drives down that road to turn around on an abandoned road where it seemed as if it had recently been driven down after a long while of being growed up. The perfect place to shoot someone, as we were told had happened, and it not be heard.

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