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megumi almost cried. itadori took them to a dog park. a dog park! megumi always wanted to go to a dog park, but due to his busy schedule, he couldn't. plus, his dog just died.

his friends all sat in a picnic mat under a tree. when they arrive, megumi went straight to the dogs. and while yuuji and nobara's girlfriend prepared the foods, inumaki took pictures of nobara. "megumi! stop playing with the dogs! it's time to eat!" maki yelled at the boy. megumi couldn't help but pout, the dogs were all clinging onto him.

"don't worry about me, i'll eat later!"

"g-guys... he- fushiguro, he- he pouted." yuuji stuttered, trying to process what he saw. the athlete thought is was cute, it was so adorable. megumi was really adorable.

"is he always like this?" maki whispered, leaning to her girlfriend's ear. nobara sighed in disappointment. "tsk, even worse."

the couple continued to judge yuuji as he rambled on about how cute megumi was with the dogs.

when megumi saw the dogs were already tired, he left them to sleep and returned to his friends. "i'm back-"

"finally, you little bitch. was dogs really your first priority? how about us huh? how about ME? your best friend? we took you here so you could spend time with US. us, maki, nobara and yuuji. that being said! i'm sorry i accidentally ate your lunch."

"excuse me what?" megumi said, dumbfounded. there was so much going on. "i accidentally ate your lunch hehe, so—"

toge stood up before continuing, "—wait here with yuuji. these flirty britches and i are gonna buy more food for you."

so then, megumi was left with the athlete.

the black-haired boy screamed inside. his friends definitely plotted this. he swore if he gets the chance, he'll pull a prank on them.

but was it really his friends' plan?

feeling defeated, he sat beside yuuji. "here, fushiguro, have a lollipop." the older said, stretching his arms, handing a strawberry flavored candy to the boy beside him. but before megumi could reach out to the lollipop, "ah! wait, drink water first. you must be tired after playing with the dogs."

'itadori is really thoughtful.' megumi thought to himself as he drank the bottle of water yuuji gave him. "good boy, you can have a lollipop now." the pinkette smiled innocently.

'shit, did he just?'  the younger almost went feral because of itadori's praise. but seeing how he said that easily, he must've told this to other boys as well.

only if megumi knew he was the first guy yuuji praised like this.

"you seem to love dogs alot." yuuji said, hoping to start a conversation. megumi just nodded in reply, licking the lollipop.

'oh how i wish that was me︎— never mind. let's not do this today.'

"have you ever had a dog?" he questioned. the pinkette silently prayed for megumi to talk to him. he knew very well that his crush loves dogs, that's why he picked this place.

megumi turned his body to yuuji and removed the lollipop from his mouth, "would you like to know about snow?"

'omg... he's so adorable i'm gonna melt!'

"of course i do!"

and so, megumi rambled on about snow and yuuji sat there, listening and admiring the younger silently.

"gojo bought snow for me seven years ago, december 22nd. she was so cute as a baby, her fur is so soft, and oh! she has three red dots on her head. uhm, do you want to see a picture?" megumi had a huge smile on his face as he chattered.


megumi took his phone and turned it on. he went to the gallery and picked a random photo from snow's photo album.

and that random photo happens to be a picture megumi took on tsumiki's seventeenth birthday.

a picture where tsumiki was carrying snow.

"here, take a look. isn't she cute?" megumi gave his phone to yuuji.

yuuji stared at it for a while before answering. "fushiguro! your dog is really charming! i wish to see her someday."— "itadori, my dog just died."

"oh. Oh, oh. OH! i'm really sorry fushiguro!" yuuji bowed his head as he apologized. 'megumi must have been sad when snow died.'

"it's okay, don't worry much."

yuuji glanced at the photo one last time before handing it over to megumi. "alright, if you say so. by the way, fushiguro. who is the girl carrying snow?"

'fuck, i'm so brave. i did it nobara! i asked fushiguro about the girl!'

"my sister."

the athlete blushed. hard. not because he was in love tho. yuuji was embarrassed. he got jealous, of fushiguro's sister.

'what the fuck why is he blushing?' megumi pondered. he started to get annoyed when the older cupped his cheeks, trying to calm himself down. 'don't tell me... does this bitch like my sister?'

fushiguro clicked his tounge in annoyance. "where the fuck are they?"

"okaka the fuck, bitch. we are already here."

"hey yuuji, you cooked this right? don't you think megumi would recognize it?" maki asked. "holy shit, i didn't think about that."

"okay how about this, toge, you eat all the food left, then when megumi returns, the three of you, shoo away so i could spend time alone with him. how about that?"

"bitch you're so fucking gay."

lover boy ; itafushiWhere stories live. Discover now