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to make the guys shut their mouths, yuuji decided to sit on the row beside ozawa's. this, of course made the girl flustered. "eyy itadori! go on, sit beside her!" —— "that's right, itadori! fushiguro is not here anymore!"
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"wait, megumi was here?"
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yuuji's inner fushiguro number one stan woke up. he recognized that voice immediately. kamo noritoshi's. 'right, he's my rival.'
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"yeah, he was here earlier. 15 minutes before you came. mr. gojo took him. why? do you like him?" kuboyasu asked, smirking at kamo.
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'the fuck? i look fruity too why don't y'all assume i like fushiguro?' yuuji turned his head to the front, crossing his arms. he closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. but secretly, he was listening at whatever the fuck is going on at the back.
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"yeah. he rejected me tho."
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yuuji's opened his eyes, he covered his mouth with his hands as he tried to hold his laughter. 'this little ass... i thought he would be the confident type.'
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"that sucks man." the athlete heard his teammate say.
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"not really. we actually started talking again."
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disbelieved, yuuji puffed his cheek. he took out his phone and started ranting to his best friend.
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he didn't notice that as he ranted, more seats were being occupied. "is toge inumaki already here?" asked their coach.
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before the athletes could answer, inumaki entered the bus. holding.... two luggages. "sorry, a wolf chased me. anyways! i'm already here, so we can go now." toge panted, he took a deep breath before bowing to their coach.
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toge stood straight as he walked towards yuuji. "bestie can you sit beside ozawa? i have two luggages and the luggage compartment is already full. since you only have a travel bag, go sit beside her so i can put these god damn luggages on that empty seat beside yours."
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"sure, i'm okay with it."
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"nice! thanks bff number 4!"
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when the athlete sat beside yuko, his teammates all made a 'yiee' sound. "sorry about my teammates, yuko. don't mind them." the girl widened his eyes. "you know me?" the athlete tilted his head, he wore an expression yuko couldn't decipher. a mixture of confusion, surprise, and  embarrassment?
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"of course? you confessed to me before i moved schools right—"
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yuko smiled softly after giving yuuji a slap across his cheek. 'how could she smile like that she literally whooped my cheek?' yuuji puckered his lips as he rubbed his swollen cheek softly. "hey! what was that for?"
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the guys at the back were dumbfounded. their mvp just got slapped by a girl. most importantly, they thought yuuji was slapped by someone he likes.
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"you bitch. did you tell them i liked you before?" yuko whisper-yelled. "i didn't!" — "then why are they acting like this!"
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the two bickered for some more. yuuji learned that yuko is interested on his best friend, nobara. yuuji pouted, "yuko, i'm really honored that you told me about this but, nobara already has a girlfriend."
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ozawa's face dropped. "you think i'm dumb? of course i knew about that! i wanted to be nobara's friend so i can move on you dip shit." yuuji crossed his arms, "and how can that help you with moving on?"
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"your two remaining brain cells won't understand this, don't even think about it."
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"tsk, you act like you've never had a crush on me."
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"at least i talk to fushiguro every day. how about you?"


lover boy ; itafushiWhere stories live. Discover now