Chapter 7: Surprises

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The 2 teams were walking thru Tazunas village looking at how poor it is.
"Tazuna why is your village this poor last I heard it was busy with lots of traders and money" asks Naruto
" Gato when he came he killed alot of the traders and stole most of the villagers money" Tazuna replied
Naruto's eye twitched at that statement making a mental note to kill Gato at some point while in the mission.

Kakashi saw this but didn't say anything if what Zabuza said about Naruto is true then they have this mission in the bag. Gato's days are numbered with Naruto here.

"Hey Naruto how come you hid yourself in the academy?" Kiba asked.
" Simple people in that hellhole you all call home are all afraid of me so what do you think they would fear more a smart demon as they like to call me or a dumb ass demon who can't even do a simple clone." Naruto replied
"Believe me or not it is true with your mother being at the head of the mobs." Naruto said
" My mother is a kind lady Naruto stop making up lies. Kakashi-sensei tell him to stop lying." Sakura demanded.
"Actually Sakura what Naruto says is true when he was younger I had to protect him from a lot of mobs with your mother leading most of them." Kakashi said.
Sakura was getting pissed now these two were making up lies about her mother so she did the one thing she could actually do.
" STOP MAKING UP LIES MY MOTHER WOULD NEVER DO THAT. I..." Sakura didn't finish because all the sudden her face was eating dirt with a knee in her back.
" Listen hear pinky I don't care what you say about me and I never will you are a ninja now act like it because you are putting both my team and your team in danger and if one of them die I will kill you myself." Naruto said clearly pissed off.
Sakura froze at the threat not expecting it.
" You are a ninja and yet hear you are screeching about the truth In fact how the fuck did you graduate the academy you can't even break out of a simple E-rank genjutsu the lowest there is. You probably only passed because your whore of a mother slept with the teachers there." Naruto said
Sakura got angry at the last comment but didn't say anything out of fear.
Kakashi at first didn't do anything because he honestly thinks this is something Sakura needs to hear but the last comment to him went a bit to far so he was about to say something when a voice beat him to it.
" Now don't you think your being a bit to harsh with her Naruto. I know she's a bitch but jeeze." Said a girl voice. Naruto stopped at that recognizing the voice immediately.
" Dudes did Raven of all people just make a joke!?" Said a surprised male voice.
These voices put everyone on guard but Naruto. To everyones surprised Naruto actually smiled and let go of Sakura so fast they were surprised he didn't get whiplash.
" Raven, good to see you again." Naruto said with happiness in his voice which surprised his team because has far as they know he never actually showed emotion.
" Yeah well I was in the neighborhood and thought why not say hello to an old friend." Raven said.
" Haha still got your sense of humor I see." Naruto now said turning around to face her.
They both walked up and hugged each other.
Which surprised team Kakashi and Team 8 also the strange girls team.
" Naruto who is this?" Kurenai asked her student. Still on guard about this girl but Naruto seems to trust her so she will give her a chance. She quickly glanced at Hinata to make sure she was alright.
Hinata was a bit worried about this girl that got more emotion from Naruto then she has.

" Oh this this is my fiance." Naruto said causally
"WHAT!?" Everyone besides Naruto and Raven yelled.
Hinata was in tears at this Naruto was just playing with her emotions it seemed.
"Yeah my parents and her mother were good friends so they put a marriage contract with us and we love each other so yeah." Naruto said.
" Naruto if you are engaged why did you ask Hinata out on a date." Kurenai asked in a dangerous tone
" Oh that was my idea." Raven said sheepishly
" What do you mean." Kakashi asked so Kurenai didn't kill Naruto.
" Well you should know Naruto has incredible stamina so I'm going to need help with him so I told him he can date another girl as long as I approve of her." Raven said blushing up a storm.
" Yeah did you guys honestly think I was just some guy that thinks with his dick before head." Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow
At this Hinata couldn't take it anymore and ran off.
Kurenai was about to go after her but Naruto stopped her.
" I will go after her me,her and Raven need to talk anyway. Come on Raven." Naruto said.
With that they walked off to go after Hinata.
" So who are you guys?" Kiba asked the strangers that came with Raven.
" We are the Teen titans." The apparent leader said.
" I'm Robin. That's Starfire" he said pointing to the other girl on her team that was practically bouncing up and down." That's beast boy" he said pointing at the green skinned boy." And last but not least Cyborg." He finished with pointing at the other teen that was half machine and half human.(The og teen titans not teen titans go).
" Who are you guys?" Robin asked.
" My name is Kakashi this is my team. Sasuke, Sakura, and Kiba." He finished pointing to team member.
" I'm Kurenai this is Shino the one that ran away was Hinata." Kurenai said.
" What are you guys doing here." Robin asked.
" We are protecting the bridge builder her Tazuna. What about you?" Kurenai asked.
" We're here to meet Ravens fiance." Cyborg says.
" Yes we are here to meet the one that friend Raven is so in love with." Starfire says cheerfully.

With Hinata
Hinata was running so heartbroken from went down. How could Naruto! He asked her out on a date when he was engaged. ( She was so lost in thought she didn't here Raven said she was willing to share.)

She heard footsteps behind her so she looked and saw it was the people who she was thinking about now.
" What are you doing here." Hinata said angrily
" I'm here to clear some stuff up." Naruto said with a shrug.
" Then go on explain how you played with my emotions asking me on a date when you were engaged." Hinata said.
" Well you were obviously weren't listening or you would of heard that Raven gave me permission to date another girl." Naruto said with Raven nodding her head.
" What?" Hinata asked confused.
" He has to much stamina for one person so we talked and I gave him my permission to date someone else has long as they are okay with sharing and I have to approve of them." Raven said.
" Why me then? You could've told me that before you asked me on a date." Hinata asked/told Naruto.
" Yeah that isn't something you say when asking someone out. Oh hey I'm engaged want to go out but don't worry she's okay with it." Naruto said with a raised eyebrow.
Hinata could not deny the logic there.
" Were you planning on telling me?" Hinata asked.
" Yes I was just not until we got a bit more serious." Naruto said
" I see." She turned to Raven and asked " and what about you?" Hinata asked
" What do you mean?" Raven asked.
" Are you really okay with this? Are you even going to approve of me?" Hinata asked.
" If I wasn't okay with it I wouldn't have gave him permission." Raven said. " And to approve of you I want to get to know you a bit and don't try to lie because I will know." Raven said
" Okay" Hinata said
With that done they went back their teams.
When they got their they made their way to Tazuna's house.
Hinata felt something at her waist pulling her towards Naruto she looked down and saw it was a monkey tail coming from Naruto.
" Naruto what is this?" Hinata asked softly so only Naruto and Raven could hear.
" Oh I'm a Saiyan a warrior race." Naruto said causally and Hinata just nodded not at all surprised anymore.
They made it to Tazuna's house and went inside.
" TSUNAMI, INARI I'M HOME!" Tazuna yelled.

Phew sorry it took me so long to get this updated. I have had a lot of things to do lately. What did you guys think about the og teen titans showing up. Next chapter I will say how Naruto and Raven met. Hope you all have a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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