Chapter 4: Test and wave

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Team 8 were currently standing in training ground 8 with kureni about to test their skills.
"Ok so we will be testing your skills Hinata why don you go first"
Said k(okay it is getting annoying writing there names so I will use their initials)
"Okay sensei what do I have to do"h asked
"Simple you have to spar against me and remember this is only to see what skill level you are at"stated k
"Right" said h
"Start"k yelled
With that Hinata charged at her sensei and unleashed tai-jutsu move after tai-jutsu move. She jumped back after seeing none of he hits landed she went through hand signs and yelled
"WATER DRAGON JUTSU" a water dragon rose up from the lake and charged at kureni who dodged and Hinata fell to the ground panting from charka exhaustion.
"Well done Hinata you are around mid chunin level" k said
"Thanks sensei" h said still panting
"Take a breath shino your next"k said
"Okay sensei"s said
"Start" k yelled
Shino immediately sent his bugs after her which she had to dodge she jumped out of the way and placed shino under a gen-jutsu she wen up and put a Kunai at his throat when he dispersed into bugs
A bug clone k thought she was about to make another move when she felt a Kunai at her neck
"You lose sensei" s said from behind her
"Good job shino but I am not a jonin  for nothing"k said before disappearing into flowers shino looked around when he felt as Kunai at his neck
"You lose shino you are around  mid chunin just like Hinata good job" k said
"Thank you sensei"s said
"Your welcome Naruto your next"k said a little nervous about fighting him
"Very well ready when you are" n said
"Start" k said
But unlike the other 2 he simply stood there staring at her
"I said start Naruto" k said
"I know but I prefer to observe my opponents before I attack"n said
"okay then let me attack to you" k said as she threw ninja stars(can't remember the name of them so that's what their call in this) at Naruto. Who just stood there everyone watched In horror and awe as the watched them bounce off him.
Naruto ten blurred out of sight leaving after images. Next thing anyone saw it was kuneri going flying with Naruto standing where she was. We landed on the ground ah then did a back flip an landed on her feet. she started going through hand signs before Naruto spoke
"I would save your charka gen-jutsu don't work on I have to much charka"n said
This caused kureni to pause knowing he is right so she charged at him when all of the sudden a wind ball formed behind him and flew at her it hit her dead on.when it was done she looked liked she was put through a blender.
"What the hell was that" k said
"A jutsu" n said as if it were obvious
"But you didn't do any hand signs" k said
"I can do jutsu without any hand signs in fact they only make them stronger"n said
"Okay you can all go home now I need to go to the homages office" k said they all nodded and left kuneri teleported (don't know what the technique is so it's call teleporting in this don like it don't read it) to the hokages office.
When she got there everyone was surprised at how she looked.
Once the hokage saw everyone was here he started
"Report" he said
"Team 1 failed"
"Team 2 failed"
"Team 3 failed"
"Team 4 failed"
"Team 5 failed"
"Team 6 failed"
"Team 7 pass" (kakashi was on Time because the hokage threatened him that if he was late he would be catching tora for months)
"Report" h said
" Team 7 is a mess Sasuke thinks he can do Everything on his own Sakura I a fangirl enough said and kiba I the only decent one besides his attitude it was only because of him offering his bell the test wasn't about teamwork were they able to pass)k said (k is kakashi)
"Hmm I want your team to do teamwork exercises for a month before you do any missions got it"h said
" Yes lord hokage" k said
"Kureni what about your team" h asked assuming that the reason behind her looking like she went through a blender was because of Naruto
"Well I just tested their skills since they already work together has a team from what I saw when Naruto was attacked and we help him"Ku (kureni said and jut to let you know when kakashi is there he will be referred to as k and kureni a ku)
" Okay so how was their skill" h asked
" Well shino and Hinata are both mid chunin level Naruto well he is on a whole different level"ku said she got confused stares from the other jonin
"Explain" h said although he already knew
"Well he didn't give me much to see but what he did was scary when I started the match he just stood there when I asked why he wasn't moving he said he likes to observe his opponents so I attacked him first I threw throwing star at him but the broke on contact. He then simply vanish in a burst of speed that I couldn't follow an next thing I know I was flying through the air I landed on my feet and started going through hand signs he stopped m before I could finish telling me that gen jutsu were worth less against me because he ha to much charka knowing he was telling the truth I charge at him big mistake when I ran at a wind ball formed behind him and shot at me I hit me dead on and that's how I look now. I then told them to go home an here we are now."ku said
All the jonin were shocked that the dead last won against a jonin.
"Thank you. you are all dismissed"h said after the last jonin gave him the report.
2 months later
Team 8 were doing d rank missions for 2 months now they were going to the hokages office to get a c ranked mission.
When they got there they saw that team 7 was there to.
They wanted a c ranked mission so the hokage gave it to them
"But team 8 will have to go with you"h said
"WHAT"shouted the team
" I could do this mission by myself I don't need these losers slowing me down"u said arrogantly
"YEAH"shouted the pink hair banshee
"Well to bad either they go or you don't and they get the mission"h said annoyed
"Fine" said the emo prick
"Send in the client" h said they waited a minute team 7 were wondering how Naruto changed so much in two months. A drunk man walked in the office he looked around and frown before saying"these are the teams that are supposed to be protecting me pinky looks like she would faint if she faced someone the one with the dog looks like he would jus piss on an enemy the duck butt hair one looks like he would kill anything that moves than we have a scarecrow a woman who dresses like a slut the lavender eye one looks like she I scared of her own shadow the guy with the glasses is creepy as hell and the one with the scars looks like he is asleep. HEY SCARFACE WAKE UP" after the words left his mouth the hokage went pale and started backing up signaling everyone else should to when they asked why he answered " the last person who called Naruto scar face spent the next two years in a coma" with that everyone back up next thing anyone knew Naruto disappeared before reappearing right in front of tazuna and lifted him up by the neck "listen here old man if you EVER call me that again I WILL take what makes you a man got it" n yelled when he said that all the male's even shino covered their manhood while trying to breath from the ki Naruto was releasing and everyone made a note not to insult Naruto about his scars even though uchia an his whore knew not to make fun of his scars. He then dropped tazuna and said " my name I Naruto these are my teammates Hinata, shino, an my sensei who hates perverts kureni and the sorry excuses for shinobi over there are Sasuke, Sakura, and ,kiba an their sensei kakashi" everyone was shocked that he went from ready to rip off tazuna manhood back to cold an emotionless. "Okay everyone meet at the gate in a hour" k said with that everyone left to collect their things

Yo how is everyones day mind been good sorry for not updating for a while I have been busy help out at where I am staying and haven't had the time so see ya have a good I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FROM NARUTO

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