Operation Get Myself A Boyfriend (Rizzle kicks fanfiction)

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I would love to spend a weekend with the perfect guy….. I would love to be able to actually say ‘I love you’ to that perfect person. The trouble is, it’s very hard to find that perfect guy when your best mates with Jordan Stephens and you are the weirdest kid on the surface of the earth. However, I am determined to get myself a boyfriend in the next few months; if I don’t then I will probably spend the rest of my life single and alone. How depressing!

People wonder why I am so crazy. The answer to that is ‘I haven’t the slightest idea’. I can never really answer that question. To be honest, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Maybe, I was dropped on the head as a small child. Maybe, it runs in the family. Maybe, I am just plain weird. I’m actually quite nice once you get past the hyper active childlike behaviour and the extremely fast talking that I do, even though I’m nineteen. Yes, that’s right, nineteen.

Oh, wait. I almost forgot to introduce myself. I got distracted, yet again. My name is Saskia. But most people just call me Sass. But only people I like can call me that. I have thick wavy chestnut brown hair that I tend to leave down to frame my face. I have blue/green eyes that I rim with black kohl liner and shimmery gold eye shadow. I have light brown freckles scattered across my lightly tanned face.

Most people don’t really understand me. Only my family and close friends know the real me. I love writing, drawing, acting and all that creative stuff that hyper active people like me love doing. I love buying people presents and gifts unexpectedly, just to see the look of happiness and surprise on their faces. Really, it’s just an excuse to go shopping in London.

That brings me on to my second point about me. I love London. It’s the best city in the world. I grew up on the outskirts of London. Now I live in a small flat in the south end of London, just a quick bus ride away from all the shops and quirky cafes and restaurants. I love seeing all the tourists taking pictures outside all the famous landmarks. London definitely has the best shops in the world which means I’m never stumped for presents to buy people. I absolutely love the constant hustle of people all around me. It makes me feel less lonely.

And that brings me on to point number three. I need a boyfriend. I am determined to get one so that we can do all that slushy stuff like they do in movies. Sit on the sofa and watch a romantic black and white movie. Drive down the streets of London in an open top car. I want to do something cheesy and cliché. I know it sounds sad but I do. I get all these ideas from watching endless movies on my own that always make me feel slightly depressed about my current status of: Single. I just don’t want to be single for the rest of my life. I don’t tend to make a big deal out of my loneliness, but seeing pictures of my friends with their boyfriends on Facebook and Twitter does make feel left out. So I decided it was time for: Operation Get Myself a Boyfriend.

My mum wants me to get a nice rich boyfriend so we can have a huge lavish wedding and so I inherit a load of money. Me, however, I want a boyfriend that truly loves me. I want a boyfriend that I can be my true weird self around and he wouldn’t care. I want a boyfriend that knows me inside out. I need a boyfriend. And the sooner the better. Seriously.

I will try and get the next chapter of this story soon. Hopefully. Hope you like the first chapter. Love ferniij :)

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