Chapter 4

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I’m sat in a little café called JJ’s that I work in with my best mate Lola. Lola is stunning. She has honey blonde hair that just brushes past her jawline. It is tousled and curly with a sweeping fringe. She has Disney character features. Big blue eyes rimmed with brown kohl liner, cute freckles, perfect straight white teeth, rosy cheeks and she is un- believably slim. If she wasn’t my best friend I would definitely be bitching about her. We met at school in the very first year and stuck together ever since. Lola has a boyfriend called James. We all hang out together, Lola made sure that she didn’t stop hanging out with me just because she has a boyfriend. To be honest James is pretty hot. He has short shiny brown hair in that typical flicked over teenage boy style.

The café is empty apart from one old man sat in the corner drinking tea and reading the newspaper. We are sat on the chairs behind the counter. Our shift is over in half an hour so we’re just chatting. I tell her about Jordan and I re-decorating our bedroom. I tell her about him pinning me down on the floor and me painting his face purple.

-“Sounds like Jordan’s got a crush on you,” Lola teases.

-“What? No, we’re just best mates. You know I’ve known him since like forever,” I tell her. Lola raises her eyebrows at me and laughs.

“Don’t give me that look!” I say, shoving her lightly.

-“Yeah, but it’s so obvious. He always invites you in to his flat, even when he’s just woken up. He totally has a crush on you Sass,” Lola states.

-“No. Seriously Lola. Why would he want to go out with me? He’s famous now. Duh!” I say to Lola.

-“And? Just because he’s famous doesn’t mean he can’t fancy you. Anyway, he knew you before he was famous,” Lola says taking a sip of her coffee.

-“Oh. By the way. James is taking me out this weekend,” Lola says. I sigh.

-“What are you sighing at, you’re supposed to be excited,” Lola says.

-“Well, I’ve never had a boyfriend and I seriously don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone,” I say miserably.

-“If you want a boyfriend I’m sure James will know someone,” Lola says putting her empty mug in the sink.

-“Really? How come you never said that before” I laugh slightly pushing my bangs behind my ear.

Lola laughs. –“I’ll talk to James. He’s bound to have some decent friends,” She says.

-“Just don’t make me sound desperate when you ask James,” I say.

-“Are you desperate? You should have told me sooner. I would’ve started Get Sass a Boyfriend,” Lola jokes. I sigh again. Why do I have to be hopeless at getting a boyfriend?

Well that is the real question Am I Desperate. I just want a boyfriend. Not just for the fun of it. I want a boyfriend to take care of me. Someone who actually likes me for who I am. However, no normal boy would like me for who I am. In that case then I have no chance in getting a boyfriend.

I check the clock. 5:30 on the dot. The man has left the café. We pack up everything and I turn off all the lights. I lock up the café and head to the bus stop, still arguing about Jordan. My bus comes and I quickly hug Lola goodbye and get onto the bus.

I sit at the back of the bus thinking deeply about Jordan. Could he really have a crush on me? I think. No, of course he doesn’t. He’d much rather date a model or a celebrity. Not the weird girl that lives two floors below him. Lola texts me and we carry on our argument via phone. I can’t believe she thinks Jordan has a crush on me.

I take a detour when I see Forever 21. I tell myself that I really shouldn’t but I did see the most amazing black lace dress on my phone. I get off the nearest bus stop and rush across the road to Forever 21. I look at the window display and head into the shop. I find the dress and it fits perfectly. I also manage to find an amazing pair of burgundy skinny jeans and a beige baggy jumper. Plus, some amazing black heels to go with my dress.

Sorry, this chapter was really short, I couldn't think of anything to write. :)

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