Chapter 9

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I can’t stop thinking about our date. I run it through my runs over and over again. Adam and I are so alike, we have the same humour, the same personality, we practically the same person (only he’s a boy and I’m a girl, obviously!) But, I can’t help feeling that he’s too much like best friend material, not boyfriend material. I don’t think I’ll be going on a second date with Adam. I just can’t see myself with him. We’re way too similar. Don’t they say that a relationship has to be balanced or else you end up fighting like some old married couple? It’s like Jordan and I. He’s the calm one and I’m the crazy one, he balances our friendship out. Whereas with Adam, we’re just too alike. But then again, I can’t get too picky with this or else I truly will be alone and single for the rest of my life. I just need someone exactly like Jordan and a little less crazy than me. Someone that will take me to travel the world like I’ve always dreamed of doing. I’ll never find someone like that.

I wake up, still on the sofa, still in my dress and still with the TV blaring. My heels have fallen off my feet. I pull my elf off the sofa and stretch out. My neck aches for lying in an awkward position of the sofa. I dig my phone out from down the back of the sofa. I flick it on; the time is 9:23, not bad! I remember the list that Jordan and I made. I open the file up and read mine:

1. Start saving money for food and bills (I’ve sort of completed that, haven’t I?)

2. Paint my room a different colour (Done)

3. Bake a really nice chocolate cake

4. Stop buying clothes (Never going to happen)

5. Get myself a boyfriend (Yet to be completed)

I decide I could probably bake a really nice chocolate cake. I turn the TV off and I take a quick shower and change into sweatpants and a slouchy blue t-shirt. I search the internet finding cake recipes. I decide baking a full cake it way to hard and end up making chocolate cupcakes. I dig out all the ingredients I’ll need and carefully follow the recipe. While the cakes are cooking I take out my laptop and scan through my news feed, nothing special, just a few messages from Lola and Adam. Neither Adam nor I have changed our status to ‘in a relationship’ so I guess the feeling was mutual.

I open the oven door, my cupcakes look pretty good (not bragging or anything!) so I leave them on a rack to cool down for half an hour and just as I do so I hear a knock at my door.

-“COME IN!” I yell. No answer, it probably Jordan or Lola anyway. I take my oven gloves off and go and see who’s at the door. I grab my keys and unlock the door. I swing open the door, no one is there. ‘It’s probably some teenagers playing knock and run’ I think. Look down and there is a perfect bouquet of purple flowers next to my door. I frown to myself and pick the bouquet up from the floor. It must be some kind of stupid joke from my sister or Lola. It must be revenge or something for all the stupid pranks I’ve pulled on them. I close my flat door after one last look around for any people. I put the bouquet in a small vase when a small envelope catches my eye. This is definitely a stupid joke. I open the envelope and read through it in my head:


I don’t really know how to say this to you, so I’m writing it. I love you Sass, I really do. I love everything about you, all your little things and the big things and all the amazing things about you. I love your crazy behaviour and your contagious laugh. I love the way you sing along to songs in the middle of shops or in the car; how you make fun of yourself even though I want to tell you that you’re beautiful. I love how you’re not afraid to be different and stand out from the crowd and you don’t care what people think about you.

The best thing about you is that you’re not fake like all the other girls these days. You’re a real true friend. You would do absolutely anything for the people you love and you walk around with such happiness and confidence. I will never meet anyone like you ever again. You stand out in a crowd and that’s why I like you, love you even. I just hope you feel the same way about me, but I know you never will. I know you want a boyfriend to take you travelling around the world. I can do that with you. Every time you talk about wanting a boyfriend it kills me inside, it’s the worst feeling in the world and I can’t do a single thing to change your mind. I know you don’t see me as anything more than a friend, and I understand that, but I just want you to know that I’ll always be there for you, no matter what. I hope you can see how beautiful and amazing you are Sass. I hope that one day you will understand just how much I really do love you. Xxx

That’s it. It ends with no name, no indication as to who it was from. Just three kisses signed at the end. I know that it’s a joke, a stupid joke one of my friends has pulled on me, but then again no one knows everything about me apart from two people. Lola and Jordan, and I know for sure that Jordan didn’t write it. It’s such a beautiful letter, so sincere. Whoever wrote this, maybe, just maybe they truly meant it. Maybe, my goal for this year isn’t to find myself a boyfriend, it’s to find out who wrote this.

I’m sat on the sofa still next to the vase of purple flowers, reading the letter for the hundredth time. I don’t understand why someone would go through all that trouble just for me. I really cannot deal with this right now. I fold the letter back up and tuck it under the vase. It was probably Lola or my sister Billie. Yes, definitely, who else knows that much about me?

I go back into the kitchen and decorate my chocolate cupcakes with icing, sprinkles, sweets and edible silver glitter. I eat one just to be on the safe side (what? You have to taste test!)

I flick through pictures of Jordan and I on my laptop. I go right from the very beginning when we met at the music club. We were both thirteen when we met. I laugh at some of the secret pictures Jordan took when he stole my phone. There are pictures and videos of us mucking around in the dingy basement studio, videos of us at the park. We spent all of our teenage years together. I find an album from when we were about seventeen, running around London in stupid disguises, waving at members of the public. There are so many pictures that bring back so many good memories. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door that makes me jump.

-“It’s me Sass,” I hear Jordan shout from behind the door. I close my laptop and go answer it.

-“Hey,” I say, letting Jordan in. He takes his trainers off and makes himself comfortable on the sofa.

-“Oh, wait! I made some cupcakes, want one?” I ask, going into the kitchen.

-“Yeah, sure,” Jordan says. I grab one for him and yet another one for me and bring them into the living room.

-“These are nice flowers,” Jordan says, poking the drooping purple flowers, still with a mouthful of cupcake.

-“Yeah, my friends do have a good taste in flowers. And they know how to pull a pretty good prank,” I laugh.

-“Your friends got you these?” Jordan asks.

-“Yeah, knock and run. There was a stupid little note from them as well pretending to be a guy that loved me,” I say. I hand him the letter from under the vase and he sits reading it, he looks uncomfortable.

-“Well, it seems pretty real to me,” Jordan says, folding the note back up.

-“That’s what I thought, I was really confused how a guy could actually be in love with me and I still have no clue who it is,” I say, baffled.

-“Sass, look—“ Jordan starts saying but I cut him off.

-“Jordan look, I appreciate you trying to help but my life has never really been this exciting. I’m just plain Sass. No normal guy would fall in love with me. It’s kind of messing with my head, this. I don’t expect flowers and secret letters from guys I don’t even know proclaiming their love for me. It’s just creepy,” I say.

Jordan stays silent for a few moments, thinking, I guess. He seems almost taken aback by my response. All this is really freaking me out, I lead a normal simple life. I’m not famous or anything so I definitely don’t have a stalker. I’m easy to freak out though but this has really thrown me. I truly don’t know who could be in love with me, never mind go through all the trouble of writing a letter and buying flowers.

Eventually Jordan says something. –“Well Sass, if that’s how you feel then that’s fine,” Jordan says, looking down at the floor.

-“Anyways, can we do something fun?” I say. “This is all way to serious for me,”

-“Actually Sass, I think I’m going to go now,” Jordan says, getting up from the sofa.

-“What? You always stay and do something stupid with me,” I say.

-“Well maybe not this time,” Jordan says sadly, smiling briefly before leaving my flat. Well that was definitely a bit strange.

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