"Lunch?" He asked
Your heart and stomach did nothing short of a backflip as you made your way hastily towards the man who had somehow turned your world around in one night.~
You couldn't conceal the smile that had grown on your face as you faced the tall, beaming man.
"I can't believe you did all this for me" while looking at the spread on the blanket
"I felt bad for leaving so early this morning but I really loved spending time with you last night"
You met his gaze and shook your head at the thought of this silly boy taking over your heart.
"Come on, let's eat! I didn't know what all you liked so I made sure to get some sushi and then some snacks that everyone loves"
"Pete, why is there a bottle of chocolate syrup?"
"What do you mean 'why is there chocolate syrup here'?" He said standing up and squirting the chocolate syrup in his mouth."See?" With some chocolate on his chin
"Yeah, yeah. Hand me that" you say reaching for it.He passed the half squeezed bottle to you and you copied him.
"Now you know what I'm talking about." he laughs. You reach to wipe the chocolate off of his chin. "Hey! I was saving that" he laughs.
The two of you are eating while his head is resting in your lap when he looks at his watch.
"It's time for us to go a rehearse"
You pout but get up along with him.
"Awl, no pouting. We can continue this later." Pete says while throwing everything in the basket.~~
You both walk into the crowded meeting room and see two open spots beside Colin which you two gladly take. Audrey hands you a coffee which is exactly how you like it made.
"I wonder if she remembered from last night..." you think quietly to yourself
"They make note of them when you order. You ordered that last night. It's kind of their specialty" Pete whispers in your ear as if reading your mind. You nod in acknowledgment of what he said while turning your attention to Lorne who was walking to the head of the table.After explaining the process, mainly to you but everyone was still listening, you all got up to practice the skits and your song that you were signing. You were pretty nervous since this was your new song you released and haven't sang it live yet but there's always a first for everything.
When you had finished up practicing your skits almost everyone sat down to listen to you managing the sound system to prepare for your song.
(I use Ari's song from when she was on SNL but if you don't want to use that for thoughts that's fine!)
After running through a couple sound checks and adjusting the system you play it for a full run through.
"Oh, yeah
Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits
'Cause it's my business
God as my witness
Start what I finished
Don't need no hold up
Taking control of this kind of moment
I'm locked and loaded
Completely focused my mind is open"
You quickly glance at Pete before signing the next verse.
"All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God
Don't you stop, boy"~
When you finish the song everyone claps and you find Pete again who is just beaming at you. It did make you a little nervous to sing this song when only after last night you two had been together but it didn't seem to phase him negatively. If anything, he almost had an excited look in his eyes?
"You were just amazing." He gave you a huge smile.
"Thank you." You blush
Audrey, Colin, Mikey, even Lorne himself came over to you to talk about the song, all complimenting it. Once everyone had filtered out of rehearsal you found yourself lagging in your dressing room absentmindedly waiting to see in Pete would show up. Finally deciding to leave and grabbing your bag, a familiar noggin pops into the entry way.
"Hey! Are you free?" Pete says with a smile.
"Yeah I was just getting ready to head home but I don't have any plans."
"Great! I'll drive" he holds up his keys with a little jingle.With that you were off another adventure.