Pete lead you to his car and opened the door to let you in before getting in himself. After he sat in the driver's seat and started playing music in the car, he turned to you. "Sushi okay with you?" "It sounds great actually" you met his eyes again and felt butterflies in your stomach. "Sick" he chuckled which made you do the same.
Pulling up to small restaurant he ran around the side of the car to open the door for you again. The restaurant was nearly empty but the two of you took a table in the corner to have the extra privacy. After ordering the food the two of you started talking and laughing up a storm as the conversation just came so easily. "So, you live close by?" Pete asked "Honestly, like 15 minutes from here but I hate it. It's too loud. What about you?" "I live on the island. I bought a house with my mom but the basement is all mine. She's just a roommate." He says making you laugh.
The waiter brings the food and it looks absolutely amazing.
"Can I take a pic?" You smile, hoping that doesn't sound weird "Yeah sure" he poses with his food. You show him the picture to get his approval and post it.
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Y/U/N: The sushi came like that ;) @petedavidson
You finish your food and offer to pay but, of course, he doesn't let you. "Can I drive you home?" "That'd be great, thanks" you gave him the directions to your apartment "Do you have a way of getting home?" You ask knowing that he has to take a ferry. "Uhhh, I got a friend I can probably crash with" he states without taking his eyes off the road. "I mean, you can chill with me if you want. I don't mind." A small part of you hoping he does. "I'm not going to turn down such a beautiful lady" he gives you a smirk and a wink.
Once the two of you make it to your building you take him to the top to your apartment. "This is dope." He states looking around "Thanks, it's an arm and a leg but it's home." Pete makes it over to a shelf that you have with pictures all over it. All of the pictures are of you and your family except for one; the one right in the middle. "Who's this?" He points to it "Uhh, that was my dad. He died a long time ago in a car accident" you say while grabbing some drinks out of the fridge. "Shit. I'm sorry. Same though" "Your dad died in a car accident too?!" You question. What are the chances of that? "Nah, nine-eleven but it was a long time ago too" he sits on the couch "Your dad's a hero, man" you sit facing him on the couch, "beer?" He takes it and twists the cap off, downs a swig, then starts digging in his pocket. Pete holds up a joint and raises his eyebrow in question. "Fuck yeah man! I have to warn you though. I don't do it often so I might be a lightweight." He laughs and take a lighter out of his pocket. "That's okay I'll take care of you" he gives you another famous smirk that lights up your cheeks.
After taking a couple hits the two of you are just sitting on the couch talking about aliens and shit. "If I was an alien my name would be Roger. No. I'd be Kevin. Kevin the alien." He laughs "Mine name would for sure be Y/A(lien)/N" you laugh too. You just realize that you're practically sitting on his lap, facing him, and he has his hand on your thigh. He notices it too and looks at your lips. Right when you realize what is happening his lips crash into yours.