New Era

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"Let's make this a real celebration." He smiled. You and Leah exchanged glances and gladly followed him up the stairs.

Taking one of the lounge chairs in the middle of the roof you wait for Leah and Pete to pull theirs around.
"Hey, my buddy Colson is in town. Do you mind if he chills with us?" Pete says lighting the joint beside you.
You turned to Leah and both simultaneously shake your heads and shrug.
"He's a really cool dude and I think you'd both like him."
"When's he coming?" Leah asks, eager to meet a new face.
"He'll be here in about 10." His eyes meet yours again and he places a hand on your knee, it was comforting. You look down at your newest ink on your finger and smile up at him. This was a new era in your life and so far you were loving it, especially having Pete by your side.
Making small talk, not really wanting to dive too deep before Colson gets there, you lean back in the chair and look up at the sky. Pete and Leah follow your lead and just admire the stars.
"It's not often you can catch a break." Pete says through a raspy voice.
"No, it's really not."
"Why do ours lives have to be so crazy?" Leah asked not really to anyone in particular.
"Maybe because we make them that way." You said it before really thinking about it.
"Huh?" Pete sat up to look at you.
"Think about it. We make all these tasks for ourselves that we 'have to do' but we never make time for ourselves. It's fucked really."
He nodded in agreement just as a guy who you assumed was Colson opened the door to the roof and scared all three of you guys.
"What's up fuckers!" He had a giant smile on his face as he went up to Pete to do their little bro hug.
"Cole this is Y/N, Y/N this is Colson." He waved between the two of you as Colson leaned in to give you a side hug.
"It's so nice to meet you." You gave him a genuine smile.
"I've heard a lot of great things about you." He had a smirk on his face but turned to look at Pete who seemed to be a little embarrassed.
"Oh and this is my friend Leah!" You sidestepped to give him full view of your gorgeous bestfriend. He seemed to be immediately floored by her but she didn't seem to notice.
"Hi! Nice meeting you!" She was one of the most nicest people you knew.
"Hi, I'm Colson. Can I just say you are absolutely beautiful." She blushed at his eyes but maintained her composure.
"Thank you." Her confidence shone through that statement and seemed to be even more attractive to the tall blonde.

The night ran through series of conversations and you found yourself laughing until your ribs hurt. Everyone seemed to be very comfortable whether that was solely the energy or the weed or a combination of them, it was care free and fun. Leah and Colson were really hitting it off and you were just enjoying your time with Pete who was snuggled up under your legs. Around 1am you yawned and cuddled into Pete's side.
"Are you ready to head home?" Pete whispered in your ear.
You nodded against the side of him and hugged him tighter. "Will you come with me?"
"Of course, as long as you want me there." He kissed the top of your head softly.
"I think we're gonna head out guys." He said louder for Colson and Leah
"Do you need a ride or.." You asked her but your eyes found Colson's when your sentence trailed off.
"You can ride home with me if you'd like or I can take you back to your place. Whatever you're comfortable with." He looked at her sweetly.
"Yeah." She nodded at him with a smile. "I'm good." Her eyes haven't looked that happy in a while and it radiated. If Pete trusted him then you could trust him too.


Walking through your front door with Pete on your heels you immediately started peeling off your clothes. You were over these heels and this dress and this makeup and you were just fucking tired.
As you were taking off you makeup, half asleep, Pete came up behind you in the mirror. He stared at you a minute before talking, his hands on your shoulders.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Y/N."
"Thank you. You're quite gorgeous yourself." You gave him a sleepy smile.
"Come on, let's get to bed." He crawled in first wearing only his boxer briefs and if you weren't so tired, you'd try and get him to fuck you right now. But. The bed was calling your name and you were obeying.
Snuggling into Pete's side as close as you could possibly get because you were freezing and he was so so warm. Just as you were drifting off, you heard Pete mumbling beside you just how much you meant to him.


You stirred awake as the morning light shone though the curtains. Pete was sleeping, facing away from you so you took that as an opportunity to sneak to the shower. You relished in the time you had under the burning water as it seemed to rinse all the stress and anxiety from your body. Taking a little bit longer than you meant to, you dried off quickly as the air cooled your skin. A scent of sausage and eggs filled the bathroom and a light smile kept across your lips.
"Good morning" Pete said as he heard you creeping into the kitchen; he was cooking some more sausages but you could hear the smile in his voice. Not saying anything, you just hugged his bare back; sinking into the warmth and scent of his skin.
"Are you hungry?" He turned to hug you in his arms and you nodded against him.
"Thank you for doing all of this." You looked at the spread across the kitchen and the adorable mess that followed it.
"Oh, this? This ain't shit. Anything for you." He kissed your forehead, "plus, I figured we could both use a real breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day I've heard."
"I might've heard that somewhere too so it must be true." You chuckled slightly as you cleaned up some of the mess
This was something that you could get used to. Getting up to breakfast and cleaning the kitchen as Pete made the food. Being able to kiss and touch him. Him making you laugh constantly. You found that you were smiling to yourself slightly thinking about it as your poured juice for the two of you.
As you both sit down to eat, you think about the day ahead.
"Hey, got any plans for today?"
"Nothing besides the episode tonight, why?"
"Let's stay in today. Spend the day together if you want." You didn't want to pressure him but you wanted nothing more.
"Dope. That sounds great honestly. I don't feel like looking at people today."
"I've got the perfect plan for the day then." He looked at you quizzically but you just smiled innocently at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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