Chapter 5

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We're finally in San Diego. My meds have been making me tired frequently but I'm glad to finally be here. There is only about 2 weeks left of summer. I'm off my crutches and I'm fully done with my knee brace as well.

The knee brace was discontinued this morning. I walk up to the door of Tony's house with Dad. They dropped Rowan at Vic's and Copeland and Jaime's before I had physical therapy this morning.

I know Dad could tell I'm unsure about walking without the brace. "Rachel, the physical therapist said you are ready." Tony opens the door. "Rachel, you don't have your brace!" He hugs me. "She just got it off this morning. She's really unsure."

Tony nods. "We're gonna go to SDSU and we're meeting up with Vic and Rowan." "Okay, thanks for taking her for a few days." "Hey, no problem. I love spending quality time with my niece." They're sharing a look which would be scaring me more if my birthday hadn't been months ago.

Dad leaves. Tony smiles. "Welcome to your second home." I smile. "It's even more cozy than it looked in all the Cameo clips." He laughs. "You wanted one of those?" "You honestly don't know how much of a fangirl I was. It was kinda scary." He laughs.

"Now I'm curious." "My days consisted of writing fanfics, normally just being adopted by bands; although, occasionally one where I would be dating one of my two younger celebrity crushes or one that was Jalex or Kellic. I would spend my whole day doing that, playing guitar, and maybe slightly paying attention in class." He laughs. "Dork."

I leave the house after Tony and we go to the campus. Both Vic and Rowan's eyes widen when they see me. "You don't have your brace anymore!" They hug me.

I feel like I fit in here, one thing I haven't completely felt at any of the other campuses. Rowan smiles. "You feel differently here, don't you?" I nod. "My English teacher described this feeling when she found her college."

Vic smiles and Rowan speaks up. "Like, a sense of belonging. I felt it when I toured with Liam and we went to WSU." "It's a good school. My teachers that went there swear on it." "Multiple?" "Two that went there and one that her sons went there."

"Damn." I smile. We go on the campus tour and it feels like somewhere I can finally fit in. I'm going to be starting college next year, I've been sent letters from a few schools including SDSU about how they want me and they would give me some pretty large scholarships to be in their soccer programs as well.

We go back to Tony's house and I open the email. "What are you looking at?" "Emails." He looks curious and sits next to me. "What's up?" "Multiple colleges want me for next year. I've been offered some pretty large scholarships for college soccer as well. Dad doesn't know yet."

"Really? That's awesome! What colleges?" "SDSU, Eastern, WSU, UCLA, and Full Sail." "That's amazing. Are you going to accept or continue high school?" "I want to accept, but I'm not ready to be alone yet."

"SDSU and UCLA you have a few people you can live with, Full Sail you have Jack, and Eastern Liam will be there." I think about it. "I guess you are right." I call Dad. "Hey honey, what's up?" "Dad, a few universities want me next year on soccer scholarships. I- I want to accept one of them."

"Alright, what school?" "SDSU. I felt at home on campus, like I belonged." "Alright, go ahead and accept it. I'll be back in a couple days and we could meet up with someone at the school." "Okay, thank you." "You're welcome. I just want you to know, you don't have to feel like you need to accept it now if you're not ready. You sound really nervous." "I am, but I want to go."

"Okay, bye." "Bye." I end the call and accept it. "Wow, I'm going to college next year." He laughs. "Want to call Vic and tell him the good news?" "Could we meet up with them instead?" "Sure!" We meet up with them. "Hey, what's up?" I smile and rub my arm.

"I'm going to SDSU on a soccer scholarship in the fall." He smiles. "Yay! I didn't know you play soccer." "I don't know how they know I play soccer. I haven't played on a team in years." "I can help you." "I have others to help as well. The girl I thought was my cousin got multiple full ride scholarships to colleges on soccer."

"Dude, that's awesome!" I smile. "Are you gonna be healed enough?" "Yeah. Practice starts beginning of winter quarter. It'll be right after I will be cleared." "God, I can't believe my niece is gonna be playing college soccer as a 16-year-old. Please don't get hurt." "I'll try not to. I just have to hope I don't end up getting trampled as the tiny kid playing with a bunch of older kids."

"You are tiny." I cross my arms. "I'm not much shorter than you." I see Tony studying me. "What are you looking at?" "I'm imagining you on the soccer team. I mean, your black hair up in a high ponytail, a red uniform, studs and plugs rather than the tunnels and rings."

"She's gonna look like the pictures of Vic playing high school soccer, just with more piercings and darker hair." Vic and I both cross our arms. He speaks up. "Which of us should be more offended that you are saying we look like the opposite gender?" "It's pretty equal." Vic pouts while I shrug.

"Are you gonna be healed enough for the soccer season?" I nod. "Training starts winter quarter. I'll be fully healed in about 16 weeks." "Wouldn't that be-" "Yeah, the coach knows I'm injured though." He nods.

"Are you gonna be mostly sat out this year?" "Probably, but they're not putting me on hold." My phone rings. "Hello?" "Hi, this is Coach West of the SDSU girls soccer team. I would like to meet up with you if you happen to be down here currently."

"Um, I'm down here currently. I think I could come with my uncles and younger brother." "Alright, I'll send you my office number." "Okay, bye." I hang up. "The coach wants to meet me and I'm dragging you guys with me."

I hand Vic the phone with the room number. "This professor hated me. Let's see if she remembers me." He hands me the phone and I see Tony grab a skateboard. Him and Rowan switch off on riding it down to the college.

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