Chapter 4 - Regroup

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[Sokovia, HYDRA Fortress; Shortly after the church]

The two young adult superhumans followed Ultron back to where he'd come from, entering the large secret room underneath the compound, where all of HYDRA's stolen tech was stored, and where the mechanical being was currently building something massive.

"We'll move out right away.", Ultron said, entering the large chamber after they arrived. "This is a start, but there's something I need for us to begin the real work.", he added, motioning to the construction in progress. "All of these are...", Wanda said, referring to the numerous legionnaire drones that were doing the work.

"Me. I have what the Avengers never will: Harmony. They're discordant, disconnected. Stark already has them turning on each other, but when you get inside their heads...", the tall robot declared, turning to them at the end.

"Everyone's plan is not to kill them...", Pietro cut in, evidently disappointed. "And make them martyrs?", Ultron calmly challenged. "You need patience. Need to see the big picture.", he continued condescendingly.

"I don't see the big picture. I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it. Every day.", Pietro said softly, as his sister looked to him somberly. "You lost your parents in the bombings, I've seen the files.", Ultron said, in a more soft and sympathetic tone.

"The files are not the picture.", the male twin said, being interrupted by his sister's soft pleading,"Pietro..." Ultron didn't back away, floating a little closer to the pair. "No, please."

The two of them look at one another, as if having a silent conversation. After a moment or two, Pietro looks back to the android. "We were ten years old. The four of us were having dinner. The first shell hits, two floors down.", Pietro starts, retelling the story of how the two of them lost their parents, and where their hatred for Tony Stark originated.

Wanda stood in silence, remembering every single, traumatic detail of that night. The two of them, hidden under a bed, staring at an armed warhead, laying in the aftermath of the hole left in their home, which had claimed their parents. She could still see it, clear as day. Could still feel the emotions of confusion and fear while they waited to die.

"...And on the side of the second shell is one word...", Pietro continued with the story, but was interrupted by Wanda finishing what he was going to say. "Stark.", she said, her eyes glowing red for just a moment. "Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, I think, 'this will set it off'.", she recounted, looking Ultron directly in his artificial red eyes.

"We wait for two days... for Tony Stark to kill us.", she said venomously. "I know what they are.", Pietro agreed.

"I wondered why you two were of the only three to survive Strucker's experiments. Now I don't.", Ultron said simply, recalling the third in that group, the young man that was working with the Avengers. The one who... just tried to reason with them. The twins still wondered about what he was after when he'd come after them, just to say that.

"The both of you have made it through, better than ever. And you weren't blinded and brought into the Avengers' mission like Darren Cayde.", Ultron continued, "That was the other who they experimented on, in case you weren't aware."

Wanda listened intently, hearing the same individual she'd been reminded of. And now she knew his name as well.

"In any case...", Ultron said, getting back to what they were talking about, "We will make it right.", he looked to the both of them, floating a little closer. "You and I can hurt them...", he said to Pietro first."But you, Wanda, can tear them apart, from the inside...", he said to the young brunette woman.

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