Chapter 9 - Operation: Meteor

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[A few hours later, European airspace...]

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we're headed right into heavy fire.", Cap warned them as the jet started to descend so they could get out. "That's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So, our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in piece, and that's not gonna happen today."

As the super-soldier was reminding his team, and warning their new allies, of what they were headed into, all three enhanced looked ready enough, but still nervous for what came next. One was nervous for a slightly different reason than the others, but even so...

"We can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field."

Everyone in the jet had their eyes either on the soldier as he spoke, the floor or wall, or on one another. Darren, Wanda, and Pietro exchanged a look, and the former gave them a reassuring look and a nod, his eyes staying locked with the brunette's for maybe an extra second longer.

"Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't about beating him, it's about whether or not he's right.", the team's leader finished, as the jet finally touched down near the city.

Darren felt himself grow more determined for going into this fight after listening to Steve's prep speech on the way over. He was ready, and he was determined to stop this. Since he'd been brought onto the team, he'd only been on mid-level threat missions, like stopping terrorists, or rescuing civilians from some kind of catastrophe; either that, or he'd been told to stay on the jet to be back-up.

This mission was where he would finally completely earn his title of 'Avenger', and do whatever it took to save the people of Sokovia, and if necessary, the world.

They arrived, and got the evacuation underway, Thor and Banner going to Strucker's abandoned fortress to find some of Ultron's plan and Natasha as well. The rest of the team set to getting people out of their homes, to begin to get out of harm's way.

Pietro sped in to get the authorities up and moving. At the same time, the remaining group, helped escort the citizens to the routes out of the city, as they were all made to immediately pick up and leave their homes, get out into the streets, and begin their trek out, at the same time.

This was courtesy of one Wanda Maximoff, as she'd opened her hands, the red wisps flying to each person around her and in a large radius. She was changing their minds so they would leave. She didn't like doing it but if it meant she was saving them-she would definitely do it in a heart beat. The rest that saw this feat, were certainly glad she was on their side now.

They had a moment to take a quick breather about an hour later, and Darren decided to check in with Wanda. He felt a strange draw to her. He figured it was because of their similarities in powers, and that they were both almost weapons for Hydra.

"Hey. How're you holding up?", Darren asked her curiously. "I'm holding up as best as I can, Ultron's mind wasn't the nicest place." Wanda replied calmly. Darren smiled in response. "I don't imagine it was, he seems pretty radical in his beliefs. But that's good to hear you're doing alright. So, I realize it's been a really insane couple days, and we were on the opposite side of this fight to begin with, but I'm glad you and Pietro are on our side now.", he added, offering a small smile.

A small smile found itself present on her face as well as she glanced at him. "Let's hope we chose correctly." She spoke once more, her hands projecting a larger red circle out around them. "You don't have to worry, either. I know my teammates, and all of us will do whatever it takes to get all of these people out of this safely.", he told her, about to continue, but was interrupted by Ultron's drones appearing all around them.

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