Chapter 7

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Upon their arrival to Arthur's hom, a vastly huge building of great size with gleaming walls and flying butresses, and ice grey crenellations touching the sky, Arthur had immediately sent for Gais whom he said was the psychian in his court, who escorted Merlin to some empty chambers, where he sat new legs swinging from the side of the table he was perched on, blue eyes wide as he looked around.

"I have some duties to attend, I will see you soon for dinner. I will have my manservant George fetch you when it is time. And you will meet the king. In the means time I will have some clothes laid out for you and a bath prepared." Merlin nodded at the prince as he said this and was rewarded with a bright smile, which made Arthur's heart oscillate briefly in his chest. With that Gaius ushered him away kindly to his rooms, where he was poked and prodded and had his mouth stared into for what seems like hours.

"Hmm I can't see anything wrong with you phsyscially. Are you sure you remember nothing about what could have caused this?" MErlin shook his head trying his best to look innocent under the old mans scrunity. Gaius raised his eyebrow critically and packed his things away.

"Well, my bot, aside from your voice, you're fine. Strange....not even a chill from spending so long in the ocean." Merlin shrugged. Mermaid biology made it impossible for him to feel the cold but he couldn't let anyone know that.

"And you're sure that you don't want a draught for your voice? Monkweed and ox gall have restorative properties that have been know to work wonders for a sore throat." Gauis asked, holding a putrid looking and smelling vile in his hands with a hopeful look.

Merlin shook his head violently, a look of sickness marring his delicate features, hands also up in protest waving no.

"Well it'll be available should you change your mind. I see you have a bath waiting, so I'll leave you be. Arthur will bring you to me should you need any assistance." Merlin nodded his thanks and the old man left, heaving his medical bag in he's wizzened old hands. Followed out by the servants who had bin filling the steaming metal tub that sat squatly in the corner, by a large window that looked out over the courtyard and towards the glittering ocean.

Merlin sighed deeply as he slide into the bubbly depths, the warmth of the water wrapping around his wery new leg muscles and loosening them. He closed his eyes briefly and smiled in contentment, the sun shining down onto his face, the bustling sounds of the courtyard drifting up from below into Merlin's ears. Suddenly, a loud squawking cut through the casual chatter.

Merlin sat up suddenly, water flowing over the side of the tub in a splashing wave.

"Kilagarrah!" The word danced through his thoughts like a shout.

"You miss the water" The albatroos observed wisely, speaking telepathically.

"A little. This water feels strange....too soft and it smells funny. Like plants." Merlin thought back scrutinously. He sniffed a pool of water in his hand and rubbed his fingers together, peering up only to see the bird looking at him inscrutabely.

"That's lavender and bergamot foolish boy. Did you learn anything about the humans before carrying out this foolish plan of yours?" he asked, his wings opening widely as he spoke. Merlin looked in dignancy at the bird.

"I know enough." He responded sharply. The bird rolled his eyes.

"Humans like the smell of plants, otherwise they smell too....human. Always trying to hide their true nature." Kilgarrah said mentally with what Merlin supposed was a pointed look, but all looks from birds are quite pointy.

"Very profound Kilgarrah. Anyways it's a good thing I'm hiding my nature I'm meeting the king tonight." Merlin responded in his head and brightened at the thought looking at the bird with an excitement that thrummed through him capped by his excited smile and a gleaming eye.

"Do you know anything about him?" Kilgarrah thought to him innocently but something about his manor made Merlin suspicious.

"He's Arthur's farther. I'm sure he is to be just as an honourable man as his son is." The merman responded telepathically with a shrug not letting his excitement be dammed by a meddlesone waterfowl.

"I wouldn't hold to hope." The Albatross responded smugly rustling his wings.

"What do you mean?" Merlin replied with a sharp thought glaring at the bird.

"You will see young prince. Enjoy being in the water, it's where we both know you belong" Kilgarrah responded, dismissively, and flapped his enormous wings to life himself into he air.

"Kilgarrah!" Merlin scolded in his mind, but it was too late. The bird had flown of with a great flap of his large wings. Merlin slumped back into the tub in a confused sulk.


"SO!" Arthur stopped suddenly with a shock as Gwain appeared from an alcove mear inches in front of him with a wide grin like a cat and blocking his way forwards.

"So, princess, I hear that there's a party tonight!" He said teasingly his voice smirking.

"How did you find that out already? Anyways it's not a party it's dinner." The prince responded with his nose out of joint.

"Dinner with a special guest? Aside from me of course." the Irish knight asked with cheeky tone and smile gracing his handsome face like a chipmunk.

"What are you getting at Gwaine" asked the golden haired man, his tone impatient as he cut to the chase.

"Well I heard you went beach combing today and came back with some treasure. Tall dark and handsome treasure. That isn't me." said Gwaine, a leer on his face and his tone downright filthy as he said the word "treasure."

"I....fine. I met someone, he has been in a ship wreck or something, I couldn't exactly leave him there!" Arhtur stuttered, a blush shyly creeping onto his face and curling up like a cat on his cheeks.

"No, but having him move in is a little fast. What's his name?" Gwaine grinned with a suggestive eyebrow.

"..." Arthur gapped in response like a fish, scowlling at the the other man.

"You do know his name, right?" asked the knight, running his hand through his silken hair in surprise.

"Merlin. I think." Arthur muttered, embarrasedly.

"You think!?" Gwaine responded, hand leaving his hair in shock. At the rashness of the usually reticent prince.

"He can't speak!" the prince explained calmly, his tone matter of fact to hide the sadness that sat in his chest becase he knew it meant that handsome Merlin couldn't be his rescuer from the ship wreck. .

"Gods Arthur this would only happen to you. What's he like?" Gwaine asked, like an old maid after a morsle of juiced gossip.

"He....I....He's like day and night at once. He glows like the light of the moon on the sea and is as dark as the darkest of nights. And his eyes, Gwaine, his eyes! Like the sky and the sea combined into a swirly abyss." the golden haired prince gushed, the smile on his face wide and besotted. Gwaine watched him, his face schooled into an expression of knowing happiness for his friend.

"You sound as besottled with him as you were your merman." the knight grinned. Arthur rolled his eyes and scowled.

"Merlin's got legs Gwaine, I don't know what legends they teach you over there on the Orkneys but here in Camelot our mermaids have fins. You know, for swimming, in the water, where they live, not on the land, where Merlin is." he said very pointedly.

"Pshaaw, you need to keep an opener mind when it comes to the fae folk. You don't want to end up like your fa-" Gwaine started, cut off by a strong glare from the prince.

"Legs. Gwaine. He was naked. He definetly. Has... legs." Interupted the blond man, knowing best way to distract Gwaine's attention and change the subject away from the mysterious magical folk. He sighed deeply as Gwaine's eyes twinkled in mischief and as the other man bombardled him with increasingly inappropriate questions.

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