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           BTS Namjoon Imagine

Y/n Pov:

I always go to the library whether i felt sad or happy. It was my safe place. The smell of the books and silence of the big halls always captured my mind in a minute. I loved books mostly history and science because of my curiosity I'd like to know more about the world.

Today I went to the Library to pick up some books for the new project that our school gave us. I walked inside the library and one figure immediately caught my eye. It was a librarian. A male librarian. He had this chestnut brown hair, tall figure and well built body. He came towards and flashed his beautiful smile. He spoke up in a deep voice, "May I help you with anything?" I started to stutter, "umm.... I...I was looking for some books." (What the hell, Y/n? What kind of fool are you?)
He smiled and showed his cute dimples. "May I recommend you some?" "Yeah, sure." He walked through some of book section and i started walk behind him. He asked without looking at me,"What kind of books do you like?" "Umm... I like everything, mostly history." He looked at me with a smile and answered,"Me too." He turned around and looked at me extending his hands towards me and said,"I am Namjoon." I shook my hands and smiled at him,"I am Y/n." He took out one book from a shelf and gave it to me, "This book is very interested. I hope you'll like this one." I sat in the chair and started to read the book. The book was about German history it interested me a lot to be honest.

I was so immersed in the book that I even forgot about the project and also time. It was almost evening. Namjoon called me out and said that the library is about to get closed. I checked out the book and Namjoon locked the door of the library. We started to walk together and talk. "Did you like the book?" "Yeah, it's very interesting." I looked at him and saw him smiling shyly. "umm.... if you don't mind then can we grab some coffee together sometime?" He asked while looking down. I smiled and said looking at him, "Yeah, sure." "Great then, I'll see you tomorrow." "Ok I'll see you there." We separated ways and I walked towards my house.
I forgot about the project. But I have another reason to go to the library tomorrow.

 But I have another reason to go to the library tomorrow

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