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Most likely to be overprotective of you

Backstory: You and your male best friend made some plans together to hang out with each other. Your bias doesn't want you to go. Because he said that he cares about you that's why he doesn't want you to go




1. Jimin-Namjoon: I think these three are the most possessive when it comes to these kind of situations either they forbid you to go or else they turns to alpha male type. If you know what i mean.

2. Jin-Yoongi: In my opinion they may care or don't care that much. Taehyung might get jealous or not. Yoongi and Jin might let you go but under some conditions. And also Jin being the Mom you know what happens when his mom side shows.

3.Hoseok: Hobi is the sweetest ever. He will let you have your fun time yet having some safety plans. He'll smilingly tell you take a lot of pics with your friends and about having fun. Most of all he trusts you :)

 Most of all he trusts you :)

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