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Jeon Jungkook oneshot

<Soft hours>

Jungkook POV

I was driving to y/n's and mine shared apartment. It was almost 1 month or more I didn't see her face. I miss her a lot. Because of our busy lives we couldn't even share a little moment together. After a long time waiting finally a long vacation came that I wanted to spend with my love. I reached pretty early, parking the front of the house. Then hastily running upstairs our bedroom I didn't see her there or anywhere. I thought she must be at work. I planned to surprise her.

°Time skips°

I waited for her until afternoon. There was no sign of here. I didn't even call her because of I didn't wanna ruin the surprise. I looked through the white curtains and saw her coming, looking exhausted. I opened the door and she was all shook. She widened her eyes looking at me. A faint smile appeared on her face. She said softly, " I didn't expect you were here." I looked at her returning a smile, " it was a surprise." She entered inside as I closed the door behind us. "I ordered some foods." She puts her bag in the floor and wrapped herself in a small blanket saying, " I won't eat anything. I am very tired. I will sleep a little." I looked at her and noticed how hard was it for her to sleep while she had been working for God knows 18 hours a day. I care about her a lot and I won't let her stay in an unhealthy routine like this. I picked her up and headed upstairs. She looked at me and asked, " What are you doing?" "Shh...just close your eyes." I went towards our bed and laid her slowly. I lied beside her and wrapped a comfy blanket on us. She cuddled with me as I wrapped my arms around her. She softly said she missed me before drifting off to sleep. I stroked my finger through her soft hair as I closed my eyes and cherish this very little tiny moment with her. Even if it lasts for just a couple of hours still it makes me happy more than I ever could've been.

 Even if it lasts for just a couple of hours still it makes me happy more than I ever could've been

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(I know it was short but I had fever and I couldn't focus at anything. And also I hope you heard about the boyfriend thing between Jimin and Namjoon😂😂)

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