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Imagine BTS cheating on you ( Hyung Line )


You know how busy man he is! So you don't disturb him that much

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You know how busy man he is! So you don't disturb him that much. So you just texted him to know if he's coming home or will be late. He texted you back saying he's busy and also told you not to wait for him. You got a little bit worried thinking if he's taking care of his health or not. So you decided to visit him with food. But unfortunately, as soon as you entered in his studio you found him making out with another woman. You feel disgusted and frustrated by that scenario. As you walked out by bursting tears put of your eyes and felt somebody's footsteps behind you but you ignored it as you rushed towards your car and drove to your own apartment.


You noticed that he was being a little bit off minded and wasn't giving you too much attention

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You noticed that he was being a little bit off minded and wasn't giving you too much attention. You thought that he was a bit busy but now it got worse when one day you went to shopping and you saw him kissing another woman. You cried your heart out after taking a cab and reached your apartment. You already assumed that he felt out of love for you that's why that woman took over his heart and cornered you put of his life.


You wanted to talk to Yoongi about the recent days he's been ignoring you a lot

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You wanted to talk to Yoongi about the recent days he's been ignoring you a lot. He just brushed it off saying he had a lot of work and he's been stressed out because of everything. That's why you tried to cheer him up by waking up early in the morning and making breakfasts. But when you woke up you saw his phone vibrating. When you took a glance at his phone you saw a message from another girl saying that the girl misses Yoongi. You just walked out of the room with a blank mind and stayed quiet as you tried to figure it out that he just cheated on you and what would you do now? You decided to leave his house before he wakes up so you cannot keep any contact with him anymore.


He was behaving differently than the other days

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He was behaving differently than the other days. He looks suspicious and careful. He looks like he is hiding something. First you thought of talking to him because you thought he was stressed or discouraged by smth. Then he confessed to you that he can't keep it anymore that he's been cheating on you. He cried out saying that he doesn't even know what's gotten into him he just wanted to take a break from daily life and that actually happened. He apologized to you. And you both realized that this is the time you guys should put this relationship to an end.

(To be continued.......)

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