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Kim Taehyung oneshot

<Little Things>

Taehyung POV

There she goes, walking through the sidewalks in the afternoon. I looked through my bedroom's window, I saw her walking in the sidewalks with hair tied in a ponytail. The golden sunlight highlighted her brown hair into a little bit auburn color. She was wearing casual clothes yet she looks so beautiful. I lifted up my hoodie and went outside.

Y/n has been my neighbor since elementary school, and I have a crush on her idk for like 5 years. I couldn't even talk to her all these years. I used to look at her from far away. Admiring every single features of her makes me feel like the happiest man alive. The littlest thing of her makes blush. All these years waiting for a moment to confess to her that how much I adore her. How much I need her in my life. Today I am not going back. I will confess my feelings to her.

I walked towards her she stood in front of a tree like she was looking for something. I called her out by her name. She looked at me when a concerned look. Soon her lips curled into a little smile. I slightly blush looking at her beautiful smile so I accidentally mumbled something. "Umm...... I-I was...l-l-looking....." She asked me, "were you looking for something?" I stumbled, "y-yes." I took a deep breath and looked at her eyes with a serious look, "y/n, I know I am literally a stranger to you. And we don't know each other personally. But I have never felt this way for anyone." I looked down and said in a soft voice, " y/n, I like you a lot." Then I heard her giggle. I looked at her and saw she looked at me and smiled before saying," I like you too. Because I was the same person like you." "What do you mean?" I asked her looking confused. She said, "I observed you for a long time. I really fell for you but I was afraid you might reject me so i.... wrote all the little things that I admired about you in a diary." I gave hery boxy smile and asked her, "sooo, will you be my girlfriend?", She looked like she was deciding of she should say yes or not then she said, " yes I will, if you help me finding the diary." "So that's the thing you were looking for!" I looked at her surprisingly before I looked around the tree. She nodded and replied with a bold "YES!" before we both started to look for the diary. Later we thought it was lost or someone took it. But of me were curious to know about those little things.

 But of me were curious to know about those little things

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Aight vote for Tae plss🌚

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