IX - Broken

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'They will pay.'

A few people shuffle around in the hallway, and the house smells like lemon scented cleaner. The taste of mutant blood finally fades from the air.

"Russ?" America mutters.


"Did you get any more sleep last night? After Cali's announcement?"

Russia bites his tongue.

"Russssss," America whines, "you need to sleep."

"I know. I know."

"But you're not doing it!"

"Well, it's hard to sleep," Russia replies, "it's hard not to worry about you."

"Here, what about this? You were sleeping when I was on top of you, why don't we try that again?"

"But you're still hurt," Russia protests.

"Yeah, and? You not sleeping is gonna destroy you. We'll just have to be careful."

Russia grumbles.

"Rue, please? You're exhausted, I can see it on your face. I need more sleep anyway, and I have less nightmares with you."

Russia looks away.


'It would be nice.'

"Okay," Russia agrees.

America cheers quietly. Russia smiles and carefully sits behind America's head. Russia takes America's shoulders and carefully pulls him onto his chest. America holds his breath until the movement is over.

"See, that wasn't so bad," America says, a bit of pain in his voice.

'Shit. Did I make it worse?'

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Rue-Rue. Now talk to me here. Just tell me what you're thinking about."

Russia hums and looks away.

"Rue, I can handle it, I promise. Now, what's bothering you?"

"I'm angry," Russia admits.

"With me?"

Russia's heart sinks.

"No. Not with you. Never with you," Russia says, shaking his head and ignoring the headache that follows.

"Then what are you angry about?"

"That this is happening. That we have these people coming after us. That my brother is in danger, and I'm not already trying to look for him. You're hurt, the states are in danger, I'm in danger. My family isn't safe," Russia rants, clenching his hands into fists.

America takes Russia's hands and laces their fingers together. Russia takes a deep breath and sighs.

"I want things to be back to normal," Russia admits.

"But then we wouldn't have this," America says calmly.

'No! Wait! That's not what I meant.'

"I didn't-"

"I know you didn't mean it like that. It's okay," America says, a small smile on his face.

America yawns, and Russia finds himself doing the same.

"Sleep, for real this time. I know you haven't been doing well. Also, I want to say thank you before I forget."

"Thank me? For what?"

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