XXXIII - Shooting Star

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"So," Dixie starts, "Imma just get this out of the way. You hurt Amy, I rip you in half."

"I don't doubt that," Russia says, "and I don't intend to hurt him."


There is a slight pause before the conversation continues.

"Maybe you'll even take over protecting him," Dixie ponders.

Russia laughs lightly.

"I'm not here to take your place," Russia amends.

Dixie laughs dryly.

"I don't think the states would let me," Russia says.

"Yeah, I guess that's true."

He continues riding down the road, and they arrive at the house sooner than they had expected. Russia sees America struggling out of the truck, and he hops up and rushes over. He holds back the urge to scoop him up into a hug and stands by.

"Hi, Russ," America whines, pain in his voice.

"What do you want me to do?" Russia asks.

"Just walk with me please."

America hops down with a cry, and Russia panics a little. America steadies himself, and Russia feels America's grip on his shoulder. Russia slowly shuffles forward, and America limps along. Russia helps America down onto the couch, and America sighs deeply.

"Thanks," America says, pecking Russia's cheek.

Russia sits up, his face hot. America giggles a little before sitting back with a pained groan. Russia turns to watch and America hovers his glowing hands over his chest. The magic flickers and America flinches.

"Are you okay?" Russia asks.

"Not really. My magic is low, but I want to be done with these fucking injuries."

Russia hums and glances outside. Then, an idea strikes him.

"What if I put more magic in you?" Russia asks.

America's face goes bright red and he laughs.

"You coulda said that better," America comments.

Russia shakes his head.

"When I was giving you more magic before," Russia explains

"Hmmm. I guess we could try," America reluctantly agrees.

Russia looks around at the calm atmosphere and closes his eyes, opening the valve. He takes a deep breath and starts looking around. He reaches out and takes some of the densest clumps of threads, bringing them toward him. He feels it flow through him and he places his hand gently over America's chest.

He directs it through his arms, and America starts to glow. The light blue grows more and more bright, and soon it becomes blinding.

America grabs Russia's wrists and pushes Russia's hands away. Russia blinks, and the static that had filled his chest disappears. America pulls Russia's hands down, and Russia breaths heavily. Russia looks down and sees that America had removed the leg splint.

"You're back," America says with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"You were spaced out for a while. It worked by the way, and I started glowing really bright cuz I had nowhere to put all the magic when I finished healing."

Russia hums and looks around. He sees that the sun had begun to set.

"Is Russia back?" California asks loudly.

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