XXX - Calm Down

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Russia wakes up the next morning, sore. He groans and turns over and sees America sleeping soundly. Russia smiles and admires America's face, using his thumb to brush America's cheek. America hums and nuzzles into Russia's hand.

Russia finds himself purring, and he doesn't have it in him to stop. America giggles a little and presses his face into Russia's chest. Russia laughs to himself and gently gathers America into a hug. America giggles again.

Heavy knocking interrupts them, and Russia scoffs playfully.

"Are y'all awake?" Alabama asks loudly from the other side of the door.

"Yes, we're awake," America calls, causing Russia to jump.

America laughs, and Russia looks away, his face warm.

Russia sits up and pulls America up with him. He hugs America tenderly and America tucks his head into Russia's chest. Russia leans over and litters America's face with gentle kisses. America hides his face further.

Russia pulls back, and America looks up with him a huge, brilliant smile. Russia smiles back. Russia gets up and throws on some clothes. When he throws his hat on, he sees a few bits of glitter falling from it.

Russia scoffs and hears America shuffling around and getting dressed. Russia turns back and sees America struggling to get a shirt on. Russia walks over with a gentle smile and holds out his hands. America looks away and hands over the cloth.

Russia lifts it and helps America get it on. He pulls it over America's face and America smiles up at him.

"Thank you," America says.

Russia smiles. He stands up and helps America to his feet. America coos and leans into Russia's arm. Russia grabs his and America's backpacks and they walk out and into the hallway.

"Hi Dad," Alabama says, "could you... help for a second?"

"Help with what?"

"York is having a hard time, and Jersey is trying but it ain't working."

America looks up to Russia with a startled look.

'Don't worry, I'll help you.'

America nods, almost in response, and Russia walks with America up to the bedroom upstairs. The second they get up the stairs and open the door, Russia spots New York sitting on his lower bunk, curled up and holding Jersey's hand.

'He's shaking.'

America pulls away and stumbles over to the bed. He sits next to New York, and Russia hovers nearby.

"Heya kiddo," America says gently.

New York hums and turns away.

"Is it okay if I touch your hand?" America asks.

New York shakes his head violently.

"Okay. That's okay. Do you want me here?"

There is a small pause and then New York slowly nods.

"Okay. Do you know where you are?"

New York mumbles something that Russia can't make out. America hums.

"Can you tell me who's in the room right now?"

New York looks up and looks around. His cheeks are tear-stained, and his eyes are red. Russia's heart sinks at the terror and pain in the teen's face.

"Me, Jerz, Dad, and Russ."

"Okay. Take a deep breath, okay?"

New York takes a shaky breath and coughs. America hums and reaches out to rub his shoulder, but pulls back before touching him.

Book 3 - RetrieversWhere stories live. Discover now