XXIII - Home Coming

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Russia wakes up a little to movement. Russia scowls and pulls his legs up to his chest and wraps his arms around his knees.

"Russ?" America asks, poking his shoulder.

"Yes?" Russia replies, opening one eye.

"Here," America says.

Russia looks up a little more and sees Finland leaning over and sleeping with her arms crossed, her head tilted down and her chin to her chest. America leans around Finland and is trying to hand him some crackers in a small plastic wrapper and a water bottle. Russia flinches.

'I don't want to get sick...'

"You have to eat something and drink some water," America prompts, waving the water bottle, "it'll help settle your stomach."

Russia reluctantly nods and takes the offered items under the glow of the passing streetlights. He struggles to open it for a moment before slowly eating it. It's a dry, salty thing that dries out his tongue. His stomach finally begins to calm, and he breathes a sigh of relief. He drinks some water to get the salt taste out of his mouth.


When they stop for gas, most of the passengers hop out to stretch and buy some snacks. And luckily, Russia is able to get the window seat with America sitting next to him. When the car starts moving again, Russia quietly watches the midnight moon and pulls America into his lap as much as the seatbelts would allow.

America nuzzles Russia's chest. Russia hugs America's head and starts petting America's hair. America relaxes against him, and Russia smiles. Russia pulls on his hat and places it against the window. He lays back and leans against it.

When Russia wakes up again, it's to the familiar sound of wheels on gravel. He looks out the window and gazes out at the afternoon sun. He yawns and rubs his face.

'I'm not dizzy anymore. And I'm hungry.'

"Are you feeling any better?" America asks.

Russia looks down at America with a dopey smile.

"Yes," Russia says happily.

America giggles and pecks his chin. Russia looks away with a love-sick smile. His face burns.

"Okay, lovebirds. We're home, and I want to go inside," Texas chimes in from the backseat.

Russia nods America sits up to let him get out. Russia steps out and scoops America up into a bridal carry before America had the chance to step out. America squeaks and clings to Russia. Russia laughs and confidently walks to the front door.

Russia shifts America around to free one of his hands and opens the door. Then, he trots in and gently lays America out on the couch.

"DAD!" North Dakota yells.

"DAD'S HERE!" Arkansas cheers.

"Uncle 'Merica!" Alberta shouts.

A flurry of action enacts around them, and Russia smiles brightly as several states begin hugging him around his legs.

"Hi, Mr. Russia!" Illinois calls.

"You're home!" Florida yells.

"They're back!" Nova Scotia announces.

"Really?! WOOO!" Saskatchewan cheers.

Arizona climbs up onto Russia's shoulders and cries out in victory. Russia laughs and stumbles a little, trying to avoid accidentally stepping on one of the cheering children. He picks up Oklahoma and puts her up on his other shoulder. Oklahoma squeals loudly and Arizona begins bouncing around.

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