XIII - Love-birds

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Russia is a little lost in images of torturing the flags of the Revolution when someone latches onto his arm. He shakes his head and turns a little to see America grinning up at him.

Russia's face immediately softens into a love-sick smile. Butterflies fill his stomach. America smiles up at him and kisses his chin.

"Hi," Russia mumbles.

"You've got a stubble now," America says with a giggle.

Russia scoffs playfully. He nuzzles America's face, and America giggles.

"You do too," Russia replies.

America laughs and headbutts Russia's side. Russia carefully wraps an arm around America's shoulders.

"Could you lean over for a second?" America asks.

Russia complies, and America gently grabs his face, pulling him down a little further. Russia smiles and America kisses him. Russia's heart flips in his chest, and his face grows red.

"What?" Egypt asks.

America pulls away. Russia looks at the floor, but can't seem to wipe the smile or warmth from his face.

"They're together," Brazil says, exasperated, "You didn't know?"

"I'm just surprised," Egypt defends.

"You shouldn't be. They have been all over each other," Brazil says, her arms crossed.

Egypt rolls his eyes.

"Rue, can I talk to you for a second?" America asks, "privately?"

Russia nods, and America stumbles upstairs. Russia follows shortly behind. As soon as they enter America's room, America sits back on the bed, flinching at the landing.

"Are you okay?" Russia asks, getting ready to fuss.

"I'll be fine. Now, before we go on another adventure, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

America mumbles something and starts playing with his hands. He looks everywhere except at Russia. Russia's heart sinks.

'What's wrong?'

"What?" Russia asks tentatively, "I can't hear you."

"Oh.. yeah," America says sheepishly, "Uh... I just... Since the last adventure... I just... I don't know if I can trust myself anymore."

America looks down, defeated.

'Oh no. I don't want you to feel sad.'

"I'm sorry. I still will go with you, but... Can you..." America trails off.

"Can I what?" Russia pushes.

"Can I trust you to tell me when something is wrong? Like that? If I start seeing things again?" America asks, his voice cracking, "I don't ever want to risk hurting one of my own kids again."

America wipes his face and takes a shuddering breath.

'I would give anything to be able to hug you again.'

Russia gently reaches forward and takes America's face into his hands. His cheeks are rough and unshaven, but not uncomfortably so.

'It's cute. He's cute.'

Russia begins tracing circles against his cheeks and America turns away, a mortified look adorning his features. Russia feels his heart squeeze in his chest.

"I will. I promise."

"And you won't joke about it?" America asks carefully, meeting Russia's gaze for only a second before looking away again, leaning into Russia's hands.

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