A group chat?

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Izuku's POV:

Life is not easy.

This is something everyone know... but no one ever told me how hard it will be for me.

Everyone had a gift, a quirk that could help them make life easier.

Well not everyone... not me.

I needed to be an exception.

In this world where everyone had some kind of special power I was born completely without one.

This shouldn't matter at all right?

I am still a human being, right?

I am still a person, right?

No, not at all!

Let me tell you how quirkless people are treated nowadays. They are treated even worse than dirt or animals! The lowest link of the food chain they call us. Not that there are many of us to begin with. Most of the quirkless people are from the old generation. Only a couple of few are born this way in my generation and I hit the jackpot and was one of them.

I have been living through my crappy life ever since I was diagnosed as quirkless with 4 years. That day everything changed in my life. My best friend that I would call brother turned on me and was now beating me up every day using his quirk. My father left my mother because of me and my mother stopped carrying about me. She was still providing me with food and a roof above my head, which I personally was thankful for.

However, I needed to obey some rules as per say. Always obey her every command which were basically only chores or getting her something like a slave. Then in school I wasn't allowed to be better than anyone since I was quirkless and I would regret it later on. Never talk back or be rude or my life was on the line.

Simple couple of rules, but I need to say I was sick and tired of it and I wanted nothing more than to end my miserable life. I got soo many suicide baiting and spider lilies every day that I started to wear one in my hair. There was one simple thing I could do in order to die and that was eat all the spider lilies that I got every day. In the end I couldn't do that. I pitied them. In my eyes there were very beautiful and they didn't deserve to be the cause of my death.

This was it! This was the shitty life I am living.

Welcome to it!

Today was a day like every other one. I woke up, prepared breakfast, went to school, got beaten up by Bakugo and his minions till I was unconsciously bleeding next to the school building, hence skipped the first few lessons, got screamed at because of it, got detention for a week, more suicidal baiting, more screaming, more beating, more bullying even from the teachers and the principal, finished school, got again beaten up and went home.

Or should I say, I am currently on my way home when I got a notification on my phone. This never happened to me before. I only got one number and that was my mom, not that she would actually care and pick up anyways.

I wonder who this is?

They probably got the wrong number.

I took out my phone and looked at the notification.

A group chat?!


What for?

I was about to open the chat app when all of the sudden, I could hear someone behind me.

???: You look like a fine prey little fella.

Not a moment later I realized I was surrounded by a jelly thing. I didn't even realize that I was not by myself and that someone was sneaking up on me. What's worse they attacked me and I was getting hard to breath.

Suicidal, ME? NO, NEVER! (Not the typicall Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now