Help is on the way!

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Izuku's POV:

The next day I woke up and immediately took my phone and turned it on. I needed to be reachable for my mother just in case I needed to get something after school but the moment it was on I saw how many notifications I got.

Why so many?

Not knowing what brought me to it, I opened the chat app and began reading them all until I saw my picture and dropped my phone.



I even look so dumb in this one!

How did it even get to this?

I picked up my phone and began back reading while getting prepared to for school. The moment I saw how he got to the image, I quickly closed my laptop before I went out.

Just your average day!

It's not like I don't know what will happen or that I can actually feel it.


It still be bothersome!

Well here we go!

The moment I entered the school ground, I was immediately tackled to the ground. What was more I could hear explosions going off and I could smell burned skin.

Another burn, great!

Bakugo: You are late, DEKU!

Me: I am sorry.

I was lucky that I was late and the bell went off saving me from anymore of his torture.

Bakugo: Tsk! You are lucky this once!

Me: *Sigh* I only wish I was not!

Bakugo: What was that nerd?

I was walking slowly behind him and I was sure that he was not paying me any more attention than necessary. Oh boy was I wrong.

Me: Nothing.

Bakugo: No, no, no, I heard you perfectly fine the first time DEKU!

Why are you asking me then?

Me: I am sorry!

Bakugo: If you want, more you could have asked for it!

With that, he turned around and walked towards me, grabbed me by the collar, threw me towards the locker in the front entrance area and began beating the shit out of me until I could taste some blood.

It was also getting a little bit hard to breath.

A broken rib?

This went on for about 5 minutes before he turned around and left.

Me: *Sigh**Cough*

I looked at my hand I was coughing up some blood.

Yep that's a broken rip right there!

I then went towards the classroom and tried the rest of the day to not get any more attention than necessary.

Group Chat:

Nezu: @Eraserhead @PresentMic @Midnight I will send you an address. You are excused for the rest of the day! This is very important.

Eraserhead: and there goes my sleep

PresentMic: Sure what's up?

Midnight: Something important you say? Don't tell me it's like last time we were send to get you something and were surrounded by a group of villains afterwards!!!

Nezu: No. You might find yourself surrounded but not by villains.

PresentMic: What is that supposed to mean?

Eraserhead: i don't care, can we get this over with so that i can finally get my sleep

Nezu: ****** street 13

Eraserhead and 2 more people went offline

HoundDog: Isn't that a schools address?

Nezu: Yes it is.

Snipe: A school?

HoundDog: If I remember correct it should be Aldera Jounior Highschool.

Nezu: That is correct.

Snipe: I am confused what are they doing there?

HoundDog: You are not the only confused person here.

Ectoplasm: ^


RecoveryGirl: Is this perhaps the green beans school?

Nezu: Yes it is. Now id you excuse me I need to prepare for a law suit.

Nezu went offline

HoundDog: A law suit?! What the heck is going on?

Snipe: I bet 10 bucks that something happened to the kid.

PowerLoader: I am in. I bet he got bullied!

Snipe: I say quirk discrimination!

Ectoplasm: I am joining Snipe.

Cementos: ^

Thirteen: ^

RecoveryGirl: I think there is more to this than those two thing. I say he got injured.

HoundDog: I agree. Nezu wouldn't be in such a hurry otherwise.

AllMight is online

AllMight: What is going on here?

VladKing: Nothing much, just ignore them. This is what we have to endure.

AllMight: ...okay?...

VladKing: I will tag you if something important comes up.

AllMight: Thank you very much!

AllMight went offline

VladKing went offline

Suicidal, ME? NO, NEVER! (Not the typicall Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now