03- The Not So Great Outdoors || Part 1

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Logan's POV

Stepping off of the boat, I took a glance at my new surroundings for the next eight weeks.

"This isn't a five-star resort," I uttered, taking sight of the run-down cabins in the distance. I really hope I don't have to stay in one of those.

"I know. Everyone this is Logan," the host introduced me with a duplicitous look. I restrained from rolling my eyes and observed the few teens in front of me.

"Oh, hey." I waved, tucking a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear from a nervous habit I picked up.

Some of the teens sent me warm smiles while others stared blankly in front of them.

"Logan, go ahead and join the others," Chris, the host, told me. I nodded, adjusting the strap of my backpack before heading over to the nine other campers.

"Whoa, big nose," a guy commented. I lifted my head to meet with teal eyes.

Carefully studying the punk, I noticed he could use some work on his features. A pair of tweezers for his eyebrows would be useful.

"Whoa, green mohawk," I shot back with a slight grin as I flipped him off playfully.

"Oh man, she gave you the birdie, dude!" the tall blonde standing next to the punk, chuckled.

"Too bad we're gonna have to blur that out," Chris added on, sending me a satisfied look. I smirked at the disturbed boy before taking a look at the campers before me again.

I could take my chances and move over to the punk and gleeful blonde with a hat. But there's only one problem: the punk. Self-explanatory. The blonde seems nice but Mr. Piercings over there? Not so much.

Then there's option two: a red-haired teen picking his nose, and a tall female blonde playing with her hair. On the right side of the kid with glasses stood a group of three consisting of a tall muscular boy, a musician, and a goth girl for my option three.

That leaves me with option four: the jock, a girl with raven hair that looks like she wants to kill everyone, and the shorter girl with braces.

Will my social anxiety kick in? Let's find out.

I took my chances and headed over to option three praying that they're all as chill as their body posture makes them out to be.

"What's up girl," the muscular guy greeted me immediately after I took a stance in front of him.

"Hey." The boy with green eyes sent me a friendly nod.

I internally sighed a breath of relief as I looked between the two boys. Thank goodness.

"It's nice to meet you guys," I said feeling the punk's teal eyes bore into the back of my skull.

"I'm Gwen," spoke the coloured hair girl. I took a swift glance at the tall boy in front of me again.

"Okay, how tall are you? I feel really short right now," I muttered to the teen as I tried to measure my height with my arm. I barely came up to his armpit.

"I'm DJ. 6'4," the muscular boy responded, inviting me into a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his tall frame.

"Logan," I said into his chest. "5'1."

At least I know I made one new friend today. And a bonus is that he's a hugger.

"5'1!?" DJ mumbled a little shocked as he pulled away from me. This caused a few of the teens to look in our direction.

"Whoa, pump the brakes a minute..." the blonde with a hat intruded into the conversation.

"You're 5'1?" The punk stifled a laugh as he glanced up and down at me.

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