11- Paintball Deer Hunter

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Logan's POV

I ended up waking up to the sound of a helicopter.

"Oh this can't be good," I mumbled to myself, getting up from off of the floor. I fell from the bunk bed yet again thanks to Chris.

"Hit the deck! They're coming man, they found us!" I heard Duncan scream from the other room. I quietly chuckled to myself as I stripped out of my pyjamas and into fresh clothes.

"So you and Geoff?" I wiggled my eyebrows at Bridgette, holding the cabin door open for her. She walked out and I soon followed.

"I'm not sure it'll happen anymore," Bridgette sighed as we made our way to the communal washrooms. "I like Geoff- a lot, but maybe Courtney was right about the whole picture frame thing."

We ended up fixing the piggy bank with some glue I stole from arts and crafts the next day.

You can tell that the two blondes are head over heels for each other, but by the way Geoff hasn't been exactly slick is throwing Bridgette off. Maybe DJ and I have to play a little more matchmaker until they can finally express their feelings to each other. I just hope we can get them together soon, I'm rooting for Gidgette.

"He'll come around. I hope you know Geoff is trying his best to show that he cares about you. He just has a bad way of showing it," I told her, resting my hand on her shoulder as we entered the short line for the bathrooms.

"You know, maybe you're right. I'll take that into consideration." Bridgette smiled at me.

That's the thing I love about Bridgette, she's an open-minded person that doesn't hold grudges for too long. More people should pick up on that trait.

"All right, what is taking so long?" I whined as the line for the bathroom only grew bigger.

"What's the hold up?" Bridgette asked. Luckily, we were towards the front of it.

"Heather needs her private time," Lindsay answered.

"How long's Queenie gonna be in there? I got urgent business!" Leshawna hissed. I was just about to consider going into the woods.

"She could still be a while," Beth responded.

"That's it. I'm going lumberjack style," I announced, walking out of the line.

"Me too," I heard Gwen say as I headed into the woods.

After I finished my business, the loudspeaker squealed.

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire," Chris said through the PA system. I groaned.

As I walked past the cabins to the campfire, Duncan stepped out of ours, yawning.

"Had an interesting morning, huh?" I asked as he joined me.

"What do you mean?" He rubbed his tired eyes.

"Hit the deck! They're coming man, they found us!" I mocked in a deep voice, waving my hands while dancing around. Duncan's eyes widened.

"You heard that?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone did," I replied with a light pat on his back.

We reached the campfire where we stood together.

"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?" Chris asked all too enthusiastically.

"We are ready! Hahaha!" Owen responded with the same amount of energy.

I'll never understand how he can be so peppy all the time.

"Incoming!" Chris chucked a can of beans at Gwen, but thankfully Trent caught it for her.

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