14- Who Can You Trust? || Part 1

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I added a few of my own challenges in order for Logan to participate for this chapter :)

*takes place right after the last chapter

Logan's POV

After Harold's incident at the dock, Duncan and I dried off before heading into the lodge to grab some grub.

"You want coffee?" Duncan asked me, holding up a mug.

"No, I'm good. I don't drink that stuff," I grimaced, looking at the coffee machine before pouring myself a cup of orange juice.

"Why not?"

"Because it's bitter and nasty." I pretended to gag causing Duncan to chuckle as he poured himself a cup.

"More for me then."

"No wonder you're the way you are. It's the coffee, huh?" I smirked, examining a mug for myself. He shook his head.

"You know this mug is pretty cool," I commented, shaking the cup in my hand causing Duncan to look up.

"Then just steal it," the delinquent told me as I set it back down on the rack.

"I don't need it. I have plenty at home," I responded, grabbing a couple of trays for our breakfast.

"Oh. Well..." Duncan looked around not so slyly before reaching out for it. My eyebrows furrowed, watching his next move intently.

"Duncan!" I chortled a little too loudly as he stuffed the mug into his pants. He brought his finger to my lips to silence me.

"Let's go ba-" He turned around and to our dismay, Princess stood there watching the whole thing.

"I saw that! How could you just steal a mug!?" Courtney whisper yelled before looking at me. "And you just allowing him to do that?"

"I don't make his decisions for him. He's a big boy." I patted Duncan's arm, cocking my head up to look at my friend.

"Logan's right. The mug was cool-looking and I don't have one. Ha, didn't have one that is," Duncan added on, giving me a pleased look in return. "Let's go, vertically challenged."

We sat down at the table to wait for our turn to get food which was just leftovers from the last challenge.

"But you might get kicked off!" Courtney's voice squeaked out as she followed us to the table despite the warning daggers I shot out of my eyes.

"Awe, and here I thought you didn't care about me," crooned Duncan.

"Well, I don't want to lose because you feel like going all criminal on us," Courtney spat, getting up into Duncan's face.

"Yo Court, chill it's just a mug," I interrupted, resting my head against my elbow. "Don't act like you haven't stolen anything before."

She immediately stormed up to me.

"Don't Court me! And as a matter of fact, I haven't. Because that's illegal! And just wrong!" I let out a snort.

"Logan's right, just calm down, Princess," Duncan stepped in, placing his hand out. "No need to act like you care about me."

"I don't care!" she yelled out.

"Pff. Whatever. You dig me," Duncan leered. She let out a grunt.

"Ugh! Why do I even bother!?" Courtney huffed, stomping away.

"The birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees," I recited, giving Duncan a smirk. "You should give her a try."

"Princess? As if. I got my eyes on you, remember?" Duncan set his hand down on mine. I lightly smiled.

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