33- Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Island

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Logan's POV

The show ended a couple days ago, so the contestants and I were trying to enjoy the rest of our time at the resort before we got shipped back home tomorrow.

I hate to say this because the game was pure hell, but I'm going to miss this place even if it's just the people. I got close with a lot of them- way closer than the people I hung out with back home. I don't know, this whole place just feels like a wanted family reunion. It's going to suck having to leave them.

"Logan! Coming your way!" I jumped up and caught the frisbee that flew in my direction before tossing it over to Tyler. He threw it to Cody.

"All right! No more challenges or alliances, we can finally just hang," Cody said, throwing the frisbee back over to me. He lost his balance and landed in the pool.

"You good?" I asked as he climbed out of the water.

"Yeah." Cody shook out his hair.

I turned around and caught a quick glimpse of the delinquent by himself.

"Well, I'm going to go hang out with Duncan now, someone needs to stop him from embarrassing himself," I announced, gesturing over to the punk who danced next to the boom box.

I tossed Tyler the frisbee, and sauntered my way over to the delinquent.

"Hey there hot stuff," Duncan greeted me as he shook his ass.

"Ew. Don't ever say that again," I grimaced.

"I thought you got used to the pet names?" he asked, dancing around me.

"It doesn't mean I like them," I responded with a slight scoff.

"Just relax and dance with me." Duncan grabbed my arm. I sighed, intertwining my fingers with his.

"We look like a pair of fools," I laughed as he spun me.

He was acting as if we were dancing at a wedding. Not that I didn't mind, it was just kinda weird especially since we were at a resort listening to Rasputin.

"A cool pair of fools," Duncan corrected with a grin. "You'd enjoy it more if you actually kept your yap shut."

"Hey, I am enjoying it!" I claimed. "I would be pulling away and telling you to knock it off with your horrible dance moves if I didn't."

"I'm not a bad dancer!" he jeered, narrowing his eyes.

"That's true. You're not that bad a dancer." I smiled flippantly just to push his buttons.

"And you're not too shabby yourself," he said, dipping me.

"Ew Duncan, stop dancing with her!" Courtney demanded as she stomped her way over to us. I pulled away from Duncan.

"Why so uptight, Princess?" I asked as I danced my way over to her.

"What happened to that crazy chick who helped me raid the camp kitchen?" Duncan also asked, coming over.

Courtney scoffed as we continued to dance despite her 'you're embarrassing yourself' attitude.

"I'm over this stupid show. I lost the competition. My pathetic lawyer lost my lawsuit and now I just wanna go home and study for my LSAT's and work my class president campaign," she explained with crossed arms.

Duncan and I stopped moving to give her straight faces.

"Wow, hello downer," my friend commented.

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