New Friends????

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Chris POV
"Really because it what it looked like was bunch of bullshit," said John.
"I know, I know I'm sorry" I said. Then a smile appeared on his face.
"I'm sorry babe but that was so funny," He said laughing at me.
"That's not funny," I yelled at him. "Come on you have to admit that it was," he said while he recovered from his laugh.
"Why would you pretend to be mad at me," I asked.
"I'm sorry I was just trying to have some fun lighten up," he said.
I pouted.
"Please don't pout I'm sorry."
"I know I'm sorry too," I said.

It went to silence after that. It was silent for about 5 minutes until I had the idea to go swimming.
"We should go swimming," I said. "Why," he snared, "so you can see me naked."
"Yes," I relied." His eyes got wider, then he blushed.
"I'll go get dress then," he said.
"Ok I'll change in here," I yelled as I ran to get my swim trunks.
I got dressed in my batman swim trunks then sat on the bed while I waited for John get done.
"Ready," a voice said from behind me.
"Err, yea," I said as I turned around. I stood there taking in every inch of his expose skin.
"Umm, Chris are you ok," he asked worriedly.
"Huh," I replied bluntly.
"Never mind, let's go I'm ready to swim," he said.
"Ok let's go," I said while grabbing his arm and pulling him to the pool.

We had finally made it to the pool which took about thirty minutes to find.
"Dude you suck at directions," he said while running and jumping into the water.
"It's not my fault, I'm not a GPS, I yelled while running in after him. I swam to catch up with him. When I had him in my arms I grabbed and I pushed him under water.
"Hey no fair I had my back turned, he gasped when he got back up. I just laughed

After ten minutes of swimming these other teens came in the pool.
The girl with hot pink hair jumped in the pool first. As she came up her hair was flatten and she just laughed.
Hey blaze come in the water is nice," she said.
"Ok," a dude with silver hair said as he jumped in.
"Holy fuck, April you lied, he yelled.

He turned to her and splashed her. She looked at him and just smiled.

"You to play around to much," a girl with blue hair said.
"Well you don't play around enough Faith," April said.
"Oh yea," Faith said. "Cannonball," she yelled as she jumped into the water, her hair flatting like Aprils as she came up.
"See wasn't that fun Faith," April giggled.
"No," she said as as started to swim.
"Trent why aren't you swimming," April asked.
A dude with black hair and blue streaks pointed at us.
"Oh," she said as she turned around and looked at us.
"Hey dudes," she said as she swam over to us.
I'm April," she said
"Hey I'm Chris and this is John," I said.
"Hey," John said as he waved to her.
"Hey, um the dude with the silver hair is blaze, the dude with the black hair and blue streaks is Trent, and the girl is Faith," she said while smiling at us.

Everybody waved at us and was yelling hi. We waved back and yelled hey.
"We should play chicken fights," April said. Surprisingly everyone agreed on it. So we got in pairs. Blaze and April, Trent and Faith, and John and me.
"Everybody knows how to play right," April asked.
"Yea," we yelled
"Ok on your mark, get set, go," she yelled.

A/N Hope you have enjoyed the chapter. The photo is of April.

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