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Johns POV

I knew I was gonna have to tell him some day but till then nothing can be shared.

"Hey we need to sneak in I think Stan went out drinking to night." Chris mumbled

"Holy shit he's gonna be pissed," I whispered/screamed.

Chris stopped the car and we got out.

"Shhh!!" " We have to be quiet," whispered Chris.

So we quietly walked to Chris window and climbed in. "I think we are safe," Chris whispered. "So you think," a mans voice said. "SHIT!!!!!!!" I screamed.
"Yes that's right you got caught," the man then grabbed Chris neck and threw him on the ground.
"CHRIS," I yelled.
"Stay the fuck back if you know what's good for you", Stan said as he pulled out I knife. "I will make him bleed out.
"I think the best choice is to walk away. "Nooo I can't just walk away, isn't there something I can do," I asked nicely.

Hopefully he will have a heart.
"What I want you to do ummmm let me think haaaa yes, I want you to be my SLAVE," he smirked. NOPE he doesn't have a heart.
"Fuck I'll be your slave just spare him, and let me take care of him."
"Ok fine you got 2 hours be in my room with nothing on got that," Stan said with an evil look in his eye.
"Sure whatever," I said waiting for Stan to leave said. Is he serious.
"Better remember one hour."
" I thought it was two."
"Yea it was but your smart mouth got one deleted, better work fast," he Smirked.

With that he left and I ran over to Chris. "Chris, Chris Chris, wake up buddy." DAMN DAMN DAMN.

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