Let's Move

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Chris POV

"Hey we need to sneak in I think Stan went out drinking to night." I mumbled to Jonh who was still upset from what just happened. "Holy shit he's gonna be pissed," John whispered/screamed.

I stopped the car and we got out.

"Shhh!!" " We have to be quiet," I whispered.

So we walked quietly to my window and climbed in.
"I think we are safe," I whispered.
"So you think," a mans voice said. "SHIT!!!!!!!," John screamed. "Yes that's right you got caught," the man then grabbed my neck and threw me on the ground. I couldn't help to whelp in pain. Next thing i know I see black dots and I black out.

"Chris Chris DAMN DAMN DAMN." I heard a cute voice say. Next thing I know I'm covered in water. I opened my eyes and see John.
"John how long have I been out," I asked.
"About 20 minutes," he replied.
"Chris I have to leave" he said.
"Why" I asked worriedly. He can't leave not now anyway.
"Ummm I c-can't s-say," he says.
"Ok but I'm coming with, I said. "Nooooo," he yelled.
"Yes," I demanded.
"Chris I'm in a lot a deep shit with the wrong people."
"Like I give a fuck."
"Fine," he said looking at the floor.
"Ok we leave tomorrow," I said looking at John.
"Nooooooooooo," he yelled.
"Ok what's wrong John tell me."
"I just can't pack your things were leaving early in the morning." he said looking at the floor. What's wrong with him

Ugh oh well I started to pack my things. I got a lot done I took my clothes to the car along with John's
things, I also got I shoes, my guitar, and amp. I put my box of money and credit cards in the trunk and locked my car door then went to lay down next to John who was fast asleep. Next thing I know I'm out like a light.

John POV

I heard someone stumbling in the house. I got up to go see who it it was. Sure enough it was stan. "Aye boy aint yyyuo ssupposse tttoo beeeeeeeeeeeeee in my rrrroooom," he said swaying side to side. "Nope you said we was gonna start tomorrow," I said trying to be stall the situation. " Nope," he said poping the p. "I remember I said tonite now get your ass in my room now," he said.

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