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I am back!

Here is the chapter check it out!

Media Section- Blank space by Taylor Swift. *I thought it suits the emotion*



Delancy POV

He is like a storm that blow me up. All I am doing is staring... staring in space. Replaying what I saw. I saw a chocolate brown bubble and unknowingly I started living in it. I am lost. Lost what side of coin to choose. One will be the one I a- No dating- and the other is so unlike me. I cannot be hypnotised by anyone. I am happy single. I care for my career. A good career will gift me a guy.


Something hold me there. I am in class, on my bench physically and mentally I am still standing on the door. I cannot get what I am feeling. All I know is I am somewhere.

"Lost your breathing!" Blair whispered in my ear when suddenly I jolt up in realization that I am in class. I looked at Blair and nodded my head sideways. She is sitting ahead me. Bitch. The teacher is yet to arrive. Blair was talking to some other girls at our side. I looked around and saw a other group of girls. I will call them group of witches. The all looked good and were wearing extremely short dress. They are the people who don't understand the difference between decent cloths and party cloths. They should not wear such cloths atleast in school. I cannot help but ignore them and look around. Miss Roman entered the class. What caught my attention was that the entire class went silent. She is one teacher who never taught me till now. I don't know what kind of teacher she is, Blair hates her... maybe she is not good. But she looks fine. And I think that she won't be that bad.

"Good morning class! I see you all took your favourite seats let us just change it." She said and took her seat on the wooden chair. Okay! I hate her too. She made everyone seat pole apart. I looked at Blair who was now at the other end of the class and was badly pissed. I muffled my laughter and looked around again and know that the seat next to me and two seats behind me are empty. This is boring. I mean I am the end of the class... I should be able to have some fun... next class I will change the location maybe!

"No change of place will be tolerated." She said and lost my mood. I am stuck here alone! What a perfect start for the senior year. I silently bend forward so I am not seen so much and took my headphones and putting it in ears and opening my hairs so that they are not seen. I took my bag in my lap so that I can hide the wires. I am looking around so that no one knows I am listening to music in the first class of senior year. I took the text book out and got lost in reaching the chapter. Economics is a subject you can study without a teacher, right? Well! I can.

After sometime I felt someone tap on my right shoulder. I looked up to see a set of crystal grey eyes looking down at me with a bright smile. He was speaking something and I was able to listen to music. Suddenly I realised I was wearing headphones. I saw other students started looking at me. I looked at that boy, not knowing what to say I just nodded my head upside down. The guy lost his smile and looked at me questioningly. I motioned him to sit so that the teacher doesn't hold the attention. The guy smiled again taking a sit beside me. He was about to say something but I stopped him by my hand and stood up and turned the other side taking my headphones out. I took care that my wire is not seen. I removed them and I am putting them in when I heard someone cough! Shit!

First I thought it was Miss Roman and turned around quickly my headphones were still in my hands. I looked at her and she was writing something on board and all the students busy in their own world. I cannot help but take a glance so to know that they are not looking at me and turned to keep them back in my bag. I am opening the chain when I saw flash light flash on my hand. I looked up to see who clicked the picture.

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