1. the new girl

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hey, I just wanted to say that this fanfic was originally written in Portuguese, so I apologize for the grammatical errors :)


 Adolescence is known as the time when feelings are felt in the truest possible way, you fall in love, make friends for life, decide your job.

 Well, Klay Thompson went through all the stages of adolescence. The boy, born in Los Angeles, the city of movie stars, decided not to follow that path, but to be a basketball player.

 Since he was 9, he had played for the school team, one of the best, said the coach. The other players admired him and after he grew up, he became a symbol for minors.

 At the age of 14, where his face and body began to develop, Klay was known to the entire school, captain of the basketball team, one of the most beautiful and tallest, which resulted in dozens of girls wanting his attention.

 Nonsense for Klay. He simply thought it was a waste of time for someone to want to go out with him or even to fight for the boy to be with the ball with someone, which was useless, since Thompson always went alone.

 At 17, a little more grown up, with the determination to play in the NBA everything changed. But everything changes because you just say you don't want anyone until someone comes along and destroys all your expectations of not liking anyone.

 It was like that with Klay, the boy was in the math class when the new student teacher had come from France exclusively to study at our school.

 Some people in the room were elated, especially the boys, who could not see anyone without being interested.

-Klay? -Mrs. Dodds, the teacher, draws the boy's attention while he draws in the handout.

-Hey. -He looks up.

-Can you accompany the new girl and show the school?

-I have training today, teacher.

 Well, it's not a lie, but soon Klay? There are 18 students in the room and she chooses him well.

-No, you haven't. -She laughs (Klay doesn't understand the reason for the laugh, but ignores it) -The coach canceled, problems with the family.

-Oh. -The sound of his voice has a hint of sadness. He hates to go without training.

-So, can you go with the new student?

-I can yes. -Klay nods and closes the handout.

 The infinite class is finally over, the teacher calls him in the corner so he can go where the girl was.

-Understood? -Dodds confirms one last time.

-Yes teacher, can I go?

-Yes, my dear, be kind to her.

-I will. -He smiles and leaves for the school cafeteria.

 Remember when I said that love comes out of nowhere and those super romantic things?

 If Thompson could write a romance story he would probably narrate the encounter with love on a Friday afternoon, in sunny weather as he pulled on the school team's sweatshirt and saw the most beautiful person sitting at the rusty blue table that the college never changed.

 He could describe the girl as the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his entire life, her super hydrated curly hair left him mesmerized and her skin color made him lose his breath.

 The girl was everything and more, she was the personification of heaven, right there, sitting while touching her cell phone.

-oh, hi. -She smiled, and damn Klay felt like she was going to pass out right there. -You are probably the boy who will help me to know the school right?

-Yeah ... it's me. -He laughs completely nervous.

-Okay. -She gets up and picks up her backpack.

-What is your name? -Klay asks as they walk down the school hall.

-Angeline, Angeline Beaufort. And you?

-Klay Thompson.

-Cool name.

-Yours too. -He smiles like a child when he receives candy, what the hell was going on? -Why did you move here?

-My father works in a multinational company, so we often have to move. I spent the longest time in France because my mom got sick, so we had to take care of her, but after she died, my dad accepted the job offer here.

-I'm sorry about your mother.

-Oh thanks. You play?


-Your sweatshirt. -She points to the piece of clothing, she belongs to the team, right? And because of his height, I assume he plays basketball.

-You know a lot of things. -Klay Thompson flirting ladies and gentlemen.

-Just a few. -She smiles and turns the hall. -You come? I don't want to visit the school alone.

 Klay laughs and follows her.

-Do you want to go to lunch somewhere? The school's food is terrible.

-Glad to.

 The two leave towards the nearest restaurant while talking about everything, Klay feels something different when he looks at Angeline, he just doesn't know what it is

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