21. epilogue

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-Klay, come on! We're going to be late. -Angel shouted from the kitchen, while looking for his car keys.

-I'm going. -He replied as he came down the stairs. -Have you seen the keys?

-Here! -Angel said after finding the keys near the pots.

-Great, are you ready?

-Yes, I just need to get the children down.

Klay had forgotten this part, no, he didn't forget his children, but he had so much on his mind that he had forgotten that they were going too.

Henry and Harry were a year and a half old, the twins were born in the middle of summer. They were two angels, never a problem for the couple. You could say that they both pulled Klay, because their eyes resembled the boy's very much, but the defined curls surely came from their mother.

Angel had rented suits for the boys and was sure she would crush them with such cuteness.

-Ready boys. -Beaufort said after arranging the twins in the car seat.

Angel got in and sat in the driver's seat, until Klay arrived and started the car, heading to the wedding venue.


Milena and Jordan decided to get married in a farmhouse, and because it was autumn, the leaves and trees were a beautiful shade. So they decided to get married at night, where they could light the lights and candles, giving it a more romantic feel.

Klay and Angel were groomsmen and would enter with babies on their laps (the bride's request). Everyone was positioned in their proper places, Levi, Juan and Sara's son, was running around while his father was running after him.

-Imagine when these two are here. -Klay said tickling Harry's belly.

-We're screwed. -Angel laughed.

They waited for about five minutes until the best man's song started playing. The choice was "If I could fly," the band present in the place played it on violin, without lyrics, just the melody.

They entered quietly, the twins were smiling to everyone they saw, even Henry who used to cry more, behaved superbly.

 Klay greeted Jordan who was nervous, and told the boy that he understood the nervousness, but that everything would work out.

After the groomsmen finished entering, it was time for the bride. The melody of "Sweet creature" began and Milena's white dress appeared.

It was a mermaid dress at the same time princess style, with some shiny details and lace. But nothing shone brighter than Jordan's eyes when he saw the girl.

Milena walked over until she was facing the boy, smiled when she saw everyone there and handed the bouquet to Ayesha to hold.

The standard ceremony went perfectly well, some cried, including Jordan, and everyone was happy.

-Good, now let's go to the vows. -The ceremonialist commented.

-So. -Jordan began. -Thank you all for being here. It's great when you get to spend time with the people you love, and I'm very lucky to have this experience. Well, Milena came into my life out of nowhere, at some party. But our destinies were destined to cross, and well, here we are. I remember when you went to Brazil and I missed you. -I said the word in Portuguese. -That word doesn't exist in our language, but it represents the truest feeling anyone can feel. It means that you want someone who is not there at that moment, and you need that person to come back, because you need them. This is what I feel for you, the need to have you around at any moment of our lives, to live every moment with you.

The guests applauded and wiped their tears.

-My turn. -Milena smiled, her voice had a crying, happy tone. -Everyone knows, especially Angel, that dating was never something I intended, I always ran away from it. But Jordan came into my life, and I couldn't resist. Because Jordan showed me what it really is to be loved, what it is to really want to spend your whole life with the same person, because you don't know how to live with another. Jordan showed me how happy I can be, and he showed me every single thing that we want to live in the future. I have told you this a thousand times, but I love you very much, and I thank you for everything you have done. Thank you for coming into my life that day at the party, I am so lucky to be marrying you now.

More applause and crying broke in, including the twins' crying, causing Angel to go feed them.


The party had begun, the couple had already taken pictures with everyone and greeted everyone there. So, it was time to party.

 Milena took the microphone from the DJ's hand to say a few words.

-Hey everybody. Again, thank you very much for coming, and now let's enjoy. I'm going to present to San Francisco the best music in the world, this is Funk, and this is Brazil. -He shouted the last part as the music started to play.

Something like "calm down, breathe, relax young lady" started playing, and nobody understood the lyrics, but the rhythm was contagious.

Milena even taught a choreography that she said was from "tiktok" and everyone was dancing. And so the party went, in the most Milena way possible.

With friends and the feeling of friendship and companionship that they could only get there. The friends dancing, while the children were playing and smiling, everything perfect, as it should be.

                                                                             THE END


thank you to everyone who has read this far :)

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