13. Can we talk?

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[...]"Golden State Warriors player Klay Thompson is seen hugging and kissing actress and model Laura Harrier."

-What the fuck? -Angel speaks up, feeling a lump in her throat and tears coming down.

 It had been a week and a half since the incident, Klay had called the girl thousands of times, but without any result. She even asked Jordan for help, maybe if he talked to her best friend it would work, but to no avail.

-I tried, I swear. -Jordan said, sitting on the bench after practice. -Milena said she hates you too.

-I just wanted to forget about it and get everything back to normal. -Klay said.

-What? -Stephen arrived and sat down next to Thompson. -Are you still not settled with Angel?

-No, and there's no way. She won't see me, won't take my calls.

-In her situation I would be the same. -Jordan speaks and sighs.

 Klay knew he had made a mistake, not on purpose of course, but he knew he had made a mistake. Damn the hype, he wanted to yell and fight with everyone.

 Klay had everything with Angel, she literally was the center of his happiness, and now she didn't even want to talk to him. She couldn't concentrate in practice and her development in games was terrible.

 Angel couldn't deny that she was destroyed, this was consuming her, more and more each day. But no, she wouldn't talk to him.

 How could she? The love of her life had simply ignored everything they had experienced for another.

 But then again, no one stops loving someone out of the blue. Angel still missed his voice, his hair, and his laugh when she told him a story.

 That was so.... agonizing, sad, silly. She wanted to hit him at the same time she wanted to go back to him and hug him. Damned confused feeling.

-Hey, want to talk? -Milena sat next to her on the bed.

-No. -Angel said. -I'm fine, really.

-I know you're not, but I'm not going to force you into anything.

Milena's speech was interrupted by a call.

"Hi Jordan."

"Hi, is everything okay?"

"Apart from everything, it is."

"So, about that. Klay is really bad. He doesn't concentrate in practice, he just misses in the game, there's a chance he'll be on the bench."

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