5|Puppet show

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There was a puppet show that would come to the Wool's orphanage neighborhood, once every two weeks. It was always a different story, with the same two puppets, and it always ended the same way. All the little girls and all the little boys would come to see the puppet show when they heard the soft ring of a bell, sitting on the wet street as the man got his show ready. 

When Missy first saw the show, she was delighted. These two dolls came to life, magic was real. She believed and idolized the dolls. The puppet man had slicked back hair, wore neat clothes and dress pants. The puppet woman had curly blonde hair tied with a pink bow and had a pretty pink dress. They were in love. 

The show started. The woman puppet was talking, about cooking and cleaning around the house. She was angry at the man puppet. She told him he was drinking too much. She also complained that he would always leave and go out without her, leaving her worried and alone at home. She said many words in long sentences. Words were free- that's why woman used them all the time. 

The little boys and little girls giggled. They all knew what would happen next. This was the part that was always repeated, the ending of the show. Missy clapped her hands in excitement. The woman puppet was going to be beaten! She cannot say these things to a man. No woman was allowed, yet woman did it anyway! It always ended the same way, everyone in the audience knew it. She was going to get beaten!

When his hand collided with her jaw, the little kids burst out laughing. Missy wanted to live in that strange box. She wanted to climb into there and escape the orphanage. Once she got that idea in her head, there was nothing that could change it. She had ran away from the way of the orphanage. She began to wear her hair up, exposing her neck to the boys. She would rip the orphanage uniform shorter, causing Miss Cole to yell at her often. She developed a big mouth. She soon found herself longing for some of the perverted actions she witnessed in the puppet show. Missy wanted the ugly rage and depravity that came with love. 

That is why she always went after boys who ended up breaking her heart. Tom never really understood until then. 

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