Level 3

414 30 3

"What time can everyone be online?" Taehyun asked, ready to record their responses.

"Anytime." Hueningkai said, raising everyones attention.

"Alright, you two?" Taehyun asked again.

"After school, so 4:00Pm? And i have fridays saturdays and sundays off." Yeonjun noted.

"Hey! Same!" Soobin smiled, glad their times matched up perfectly.

"Alright then, that works for me too. So tommorow at 4?" Taehyun made plans.

Everyone was in agreement, and taehyun set their spawn point to the player lobby.

Sweet and Fluffy Cotton Candy has logged off.

》ArcherBin has logged off

"You arent logging off yet?" Taehyun noticed hueningkai sitting down to watch the games sun set.

"No, i want to watch this..." hueningkai smiled.

"Dont you have school? Dont tell me youre secretly an 80 year old pedophile...." taehyun scoffed, refusing to believe it.

"No im not, you can check my characters display settings if you want, irs set to my actual face." Hueningkai laughed and shook his head, enjoying the night settings of the game.

"Alright then....see you tomorrow hueningkai." Taehyun waved, recieving hueningkais little wave back.

Moonlight Spirit has logged off.

Taehyun looked at the time.

1:34AM...im gonna be exhausted at school....



Soobin shot up in a cold sweat at the sound of his alarm, frantically turning it off.

He grumbled, sitting there and staring at the sunlight coming through his window, contemplating if real life was worth waking uo this early for school.

If i ditch...i cant get those new nerve glove features.....

Soobin looked to his VR setup all over his room and grumbled, getting out of bed.

He slipped on his uniform, brushed his hair and teeth, and kissed his mothers cheek on his way out the door, walking to the bus stop.

At least life offers the mercy to sleep on the bus in the morning....no highschooler stays awake long enough to be loud...

Soobin hopped on the bus and walked to his usual seat in the third row, next to no one. He made himself comfortable with his jacket off as a pillow, and the window down for a morning breeze.

"Just my fucking luck...." yeonjun tried again to start his sports bike, but it wouldnt turn over.

He gave up, checking the time to see his only option.

He hopped off of the bike, closing the garage door and booking it for the bus stop.

The bus was just about to leave, but yeonjun flagged it down quick enough.

The old doors creaked open, and he found himself looking for a seat. He picked a seat in the third row, next to someone he assumed was passed out.

The boy was either a talented sleeper, or was used to the bus's harsh brake release as it jolted into action.

Yeonjun examined the boy, smirking at the cute pout face he did as he slept.

Hes cute..

Yeonjun smiled to himself, feeling somewhat aquainted with the pretty stranger on the bus.

He admired the little tufts of hair breezing over his face as he slept. Yeonjuns favorite hobby was watching attractive people do normal things, so his morning, though sucky, improved moderately.

He noticed the boy's shivering at the chilly breeze, along with the jacket he was using as a pillow.

Hes a student at my school, but ive never seen him??

Yeonjun took off his uniform jacket and draped it gently over the peaceful boy.

Since were getting off at the same place anyway...i can wake him up to get off.

The rattling of the bus during the last turn shook the boy awake, yeonjun scaring him by accident.

"Ai-SsHh..." soobin noted that someone had in fact, been sitting by him. Befoee he could calm himself he panicked over a completely different reason.

He looks exactly like the cotton candy paladin-

Nononono not in real life!- im not cool here this isnt happening!!

Soobin stood and ran off the bus before giving yeonjun a chance to speak.

"WAIT- my...coat...." yeonjun sighed, having another bad morning moment.

His hand brushed against a soft pilw of fabric laying on the seat.

He left his uniform coat too....

Yeonjun picked the jacket up, getting off the bus with his things before finding the nametag.

'Choi Soobin'

Choi Soobin........



Taehyun groaned, burying his face into his sleeve. He wanted to focus on the class lecture, but the mission after school was floating around in his head.

We need five players to qualify for tournaments....if not....i cant ever get them back-

Taehyun balled his fists, unable to remove the repeating scene from his head.

The bell had finally rung, releasing the students from their hell. Taehyun wasted no time running out into the hallway.

A few kids stared at the boy who looked constipated, doing a weird shoot pose, frozen.

Oh shit...im not in game- cant teleport....

Taehyun grew super embarrassed and scampered out of the school building, out to the parking lot to his car.

Today is Thursday...no school tomorrow, and- theyll be on-

Taehyun only lived 15 minutes from the school with his shortcut through alleys, so he got home expecting tk be the first logged on.

Throwing his bag on his bed, he lifted the vr headset up and slipoed on his nerve suit, stepping onto his large game mat.

Moonlight Spirit  has logged in.

Taehyun smiled at the beautiful afternoon graphics of the game, and found that he hadnt been the first to log on.

Hueningkai laid in the grass, exactly where taehyun left him last night.

"Hyung!" Hueningkai woke up hearing the notification blip and hugged Taehyuns avatar.

"You give a lot of hugs." Taehyun smiled and hugged back, excited to get to more missions and find another teammate.

"Sorry....hyung, spirit, can i know your actual name?since were a long term team now?" Hueningkai hovered, waiting for a name to match the face.

"I dont give out my name until i feel close to the players." Taehyun dodged the question.

"Like your old team mates?" Hueningkais words caused taehyun to grow angry.

《Log In》 [Yeonbin/Taekai]Where stories live. Discover now