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 In his office, Dasker was pacing around, his thoughts filling his head. He hated that he made Raven forget about their kiss, but he didn't want to scare her off so early. Maybe it was for the best, though. He didn't want to drag her into something that would fill her with fear or destroy her. Maybe it would be better for her to find someone else- maybe it was better she didn't remember the kiss. He felt unease at the thought. When he had caught the scent of Theo in her room, his bloodlust grew. He despised the thought of Raven with any other, she was his. Simply thinking about it made the veins under his eyes protrude. Mine, he thought. Just then, a gentle knock sounded from behind him.

"Dasker?" Raven's voice uttered from behind the door. He calmed himself before responding, closing his eyes and forcing his face to turn back to normal. He walked over to the door, opening it to see Raven's anxious expression.

"Is everything okay?" He asked. He couldn't help but admire how she looked; she wore shorts and a shirt that was a little big for her, but looked perfect nonetheless. Her long, black hair fell down to the bottom of her back, and her dark, brown eyes shimmered. For a second, he thought he saw a gold tint in her eyes, but in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared.

"I-uh, had a bad dream." She admitted, then wrapped her arms around him. Taken aback, Dasker hesitated for a second before pulling her in and holding her tight.

With his touch, Raven felt at ease. The thoughts of her dream were drained away as she inhaled his scent. He smelled of the woodlands, with a hint of citrus. His embrace made her feel warm and safe. Why do you do this to yourself, Raven? She thought, sighing.

Dasker glimpsed at her neck, feeling his eyes turn red and a thirst flood upon him. He licked his lips as he listened to the sound of blood pumping through her veins. He was hungry. He inched closer to her neck before abruptly stopping himself, shaking the feeling off and pulling away. "Shit. I forgot about something." He raced down the hall. "Will you be okay on your own? I need to go get it real quick." Raven arched her eyebrows.

"In the middle of the night?" She questioned.

"Yup." He made his way to the front door.

"Okay... I'm just gonna go back to sleep."

"Sounds good." He closed the door behind him, unable to mask his eyes or veins any longer. He ran a hand through his hair before speeding away deep into the forest, scanning for any wildlife that may be roaming. He didn't necessarily enjoy animal blood, nor was it very filling, but he refused to prey on his pack. He chose to only indulge in people who were his enemies, or those that committed unacceptable crimes. In the times where his pack fought against another, he would have a feast, but, in times like these, he had to make do with what he could. It made being a hybrid seem more like a curse than a strength. Plenty of females in his pack had offered him blood, in an attempt to receive his attention, but he rejected them. Yet, he was awfully close to drinking Raven's. Too close. He broke away from his thoughts at the sound of a branch cracking. He snapped his head in the direction of the noise, spotting a deer taking a drink from a nearby river. He acted immediately, shifting into his wolf and running in its direction, prancing on it before it could react. He sunk his canines into its neck, and the deer fell down, a pound echoing in the darkness as it hit the grass below. Transforming back into his normal form, fangs out and the clothing on his body gone, he sucked up the blood until there was no more, and the dark red substance covered his mouth. He licked his lips clean before deciding to head back to his house, making sure not to be spotted by Raven.

Meanwhile, Raven sat in the darkness of her room, staring at the ceiling. She recalled her dream, deeming herself a fool for even being the slightest bit paranoid about it. Red eyes, she chuckled to herself, Still more believable than that kiss. She soon fell into a deep sleep, unaware of Dasker only a couple of rooms away, washing the blood off of his face and body.

He spent the whole night thinking, unable to get a minute of rest. It was Raven who flooded his thoughts. Why couldn't he control himself around her? How had he known about her struggling on the outskirts of the town? Why did he have a weak spot for her? If there was one thing Dasker hated most, it was being vulnerable. Yet, that's exactly what Raven made him. Vulnerable. Still, he felt a stubborn attraction to her that only continued to grow. 

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