Chapter One

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As I put the last pair of clothes into my suitcase. Getting ready to leave for college. I just stand and look at my room  walls which no longer have my things on them.  It already looks like I don't live here anymore. My mom Heather knocks on the door and walks in to my room.

Heather:Are you ready honey?

Amelia:I'm not sure mom.

She walks over to me and gives me a big hug.

Heather: Don't worry honey your gonna do great.

Amelia:You really think so?

She pulls away and looks at me and kisses me on the forehead.

Heather:I know so.

I smile back at her and she hugs me again.

I look out the window and see the lights flash as  my Dad and brother pull up the in drive way.

Amelia:Looks like it's time to go.

  My dad and  brother come in my room and they each take one of my suitcases to the car.

I pick up my backpack and throw it over my shoulder.

We all head out of my room and head outside to the car.

I open the trunk and we all put my suitcases in the back. My dad shuts the trunk of the car. He looks at me and smiles. Mike:Lets go before you miss your flight.

He walks over to the driver side and gets in. Along with my mom in the passenger seat.

My brother is on the other side of the car.  Derek:Are you gonna get in or not?  

Amelia: Do I have to?

Derek:Amelia?Just get in before we are late.

I slowly reach for the handle and open the car door. I slowly slide inside and shut the door.

Mike:Every one buckled up?

My dad looks in the rear view mirror and I nod.

As we pull out of the drive way I have a full view of the house.

I whisper goodbye to my home.

The whole drive to the airport I am mostly quiet. I'm very nervous about going so far just for college. I'm sure gonna miss my home town. The people in it especially.  We finally arrive to the airport.  My dad finds a parking spot so we park. All of us get out of the car and get all my suitcases. My dad puts his hand on my back. Then my mom grabs my hand.  We all walk into the huge airport. I walk to the front desk to get my plane ticket. The lady at the front her name is Betsy. Betsy:Name?

Amelia:Umm Amelia Ryder .  Betsy:Ok just one minute.    Betsy types my information into the computer.   Betsy:How many Suitcases?

Amelia:I have 3 and a backpack.

Betsy:Okay if you just go over to the bag check they will take them for you.

She hands me my one way plane  ticket.  Betsy:Thank you have a nice day. NEXT!

My family and I take my suitcases to the bag check. We all put them on to the conveyer belt.  One of the man working puts a ticket on my backpack.   Airport intercom:The time is now 10:30 pm Flight 252 is now boarding.   I look at my plane ticket.

Amelia:Thats my flight.

My mom,dad,and brother all hug me and they say goodbye.

Heather:See you on Christmas.

I smile and wave goodbye to them as I walk towards my flight.  I see a lady fixing to shut the door. I hurry and run before she shuts it.  Amelia:Wait!

The lady by the door looks at me like I'm crazy.

Lady:Um Going to Westonburg or Havensville?

I nod and hand the lady my ticket.

She opens the door for me and I walk all the way to my plane.

As soon as I enter the plane there is tons of people.  I hurry and go take my seat next to some girl. I sit down and buckle up.

The flight attendant said it would be 4 hours until we get to Havensville. Plus 3 hours to Westonburg.

I pulled the brochure for Westonburg university out of my backpack. I look at all the classes they have and what all they have on campus. As I look at it I see the girl next to me reading it over my shoulder. She is really girly and kinda preppy looking. I give the girl next to me a strange look.

Amelia:Uh can I help you?

She looks at me and smiles. She stretches her hand out and says her name is Daphne Erickson.  I shake her hand and I also tell her my name.

Daphne:So you're going to Westonburg University?

Amelia:Um ya It was my first choice. Next to Havensville University.

Daphne:Oh my God me too! We are totally going to be BFFS!

Amelia:So you're going to Westonburg University?

Daphne:Yes isn't this exciting!? I talked to a couple of people on this plane but only a few of them are going to Westonburg University.

Amelia:Oh really so this flight is for college students?

Daphne:Yes! Everyone on this flight is either going to Westonburg University or Havensville university. Maybe only like five people are going to Westonburg University on here and thats including us.

She looks and points at two guys and a girl.

Daphne:They are going to Westonburg University. But everyone else is going to Havensville University.

Amelia:Why only a few people?

Daphne looks at me and points at the town of Westonburg history on my brochure.

Daphne:Well the thing is the town is ran by a king and queen. So things are kinda different.

Amelia:A king and a queen? I didn't know that.

Daphne:Ya but they said it is a really great college.

Amelia:Ya that's what I heard too. I just never knew the town was ran by a king and queen .

Daphne:Well now you know.

She pulls a eye mask out of her purse.

She puts it on her head covering her eyes.

Daphne:Wake me when we are there please Ames.

Ames? Did she really just give me a nickname.

Amelia:Uh sure I'll wake you up but I might take a nap too.

I lean back in my chair and look out the small window. Looking at the dark sky.  Only 5 hours to go until we get to Westonburg.


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