Chapter Six

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I had set my alarm 30 minutes earlier today. Considering how long we waited inline yesterday. I head over to the bathroom and quickly take a bath. The tub works perfect.  I quickly put my uniform on  and head downstairs.
Amelia:Hey Angela!
Angela:Hello I made Bacon and toast this morning.

She hands me my plate and I eat it quickly
Angela:Ross dropped by more Strawberries.
Amelia:Aww he did how sweet!!
Angela:He even brought blueberries.

She brings me a bowl of strawberries and blueberries. I quickly try the bluberries.
Amelia:Yum! How does he get them to taste so great!
Angela:I do not know but I am sure glad you like them.

   The car honks for me outside  so I head out there. I quickly get in the car with Karlie and Andrew. Karlie is laughing at Andrew
Amelia: What's so funny?
Karlie: Okay so apparently Andrew and I both have a "Secret admirer"
Karlie:Haha yes Tell her what they sent you Andrew tell her!

Karlie bursts out laughing.
Karlie: he said they were his size and everything!
Amelia:That's creepy.
Andrew:Why don't you tell her what you got Karlie! Tell her!
Karlie:Oh shut up Andrew! Okay well I got a romantic movie and some chocolates.
Amelia: I got roses.
Karlie:Wait you got a Secret admirer too?

Andrew and Karlie both look at me.
Amelia:Ya and they  said they met me yesterday.
Andrew:That could be anyone.
Karlie:My note said I'm glad we will at least have one class together.
Andrew: My letter said Cute butt. So apparently she has been stalking me from behind all day yesterday.

Karlie laughs again and she almost cried.
Karlie:What if it's a guy?

Karlie and I laugh uncontrollably!
Andrew:If it's a guy that means I can hit him for being a perve.

We arrive at the campus and we get off.
Karlie:better watch your back Andrew or shall I say butt!

He turns around and gives Karlie a death stare. Then he continues walking in a different direction as us.
Karlie:So what's your first Class?
Karlie: Oh well I have Spanish. Maybe I'll see you at lunch.

I nod my head and she goes over to a group of people standing outside a door.

I look at the campus map and find biology on it and I head over there. I look up and I see a sign that says biology. So I walk over to it. The door is open and I head inside.

On the white board it reads Take any seat ! Open text book to Botany. Write down name and today's date on a piece of paper.

I look over and I see a empty desk next to some guy not facing my direction. I get closer then sit on the desk next to him.

On the other side I see that guy trey Carson. I look back at the other guy.

He turns around and it is Ross Burke.

He looks at me and smiles.
Ross:Amelia! Hey!
Amelia:Wow didn't think I would see you here.
Ross: Um ya I'm actually the instructor.
Ross:ya  I'm glad your in my class.
Amelia:Me too! So botany? Is this why your fruits tastes so good from your garden you know so much about then?
Ross:Ya did you try the blueberries?
Amelia:Ya I did they were so good! I can't wait to see what else you have.
Ross: ya as soon as this class is over I gotta get back to work then after you get out I'll pick you up and I'll make dinner.
Amelia:Pick me up? Where do you live?
Ross:Not far from you so I'm more like gonna walk you up. If that makes any since.

He laughs and gets all blushed knowing he said something dumb.
Amelia:Haha well I cannot wait for you to walk me up. Haha 

Just then the bell rings Ross walks over to the door and as soon as he fixes to shut it Elliot runs in he quickly takes a seat next to me.
Ross:Okay well first of all once that bell rings I'm going to shut that door. Then no one comes in..... Okay so My name is Ross Burke. But you all will call me Mr.Burke. I do not care if we are close in age you will still address me as Mr.Burke.

He writes his name on the board.
Ross:Okay so open up your books to Chapter one Botany. Can anyone tell me what botany is?

Three people raise their hands including me.
Ross: Yes...Amelia?
Amelia:Botany is The study of plants.

He smiles at me.
Ross: correct!

1hr 30 minutes later the class is over
Ross:Thank you please Write a 1000 word essay on Botany. Why is it important and please Type it and have it to me by tomorrow.

I pick up my backpack and Elliot gets in front of me.
Elliot:So wanna have lunch together?

I can tell Ross is listening
Amelia:I'm actually gonna have lunch with Karlie but I'm sure you can join.
Elliot:Oh okay

He leaves out the door.

I head towards the door and Ross stops me.
Ross: I'm impressed you know a lot about botany.
Ross:I guess I'll see you later?
Amelia:I don't know my teacher "Mr.Burke gave me a lot of homework.
Ross:Very funny .... You better hurry before you miss your next class.

I walk out of his classroom and I look at the map. Elliot comes up behind me and takes it.
Elliot:Don't worry just follow me I'll show you where our classes are.

He walks and I follow behind him. I knew he signed up for the same exact classes as me! I knew it! But why?

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