The World of Heisei #2

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Heisei: "With that out of the way... next comes out last final problem. King Kado is located in a World named, "The Final Chapter"."

Bujin: "A bit too on the nose..."

Heisei: "The world isn't like our own, as it can't be traveled to by normal means. Stein here was able to think of a device capable to taking us from this world to the Final Chapter, but constructing and testing it, plus building new equipment for everyone will take a few months at the latest."

Ryuko: "Not like times that big of a problem... with out worlds frozen we've got all the time in the world."

Yugo: "She's right. If we're going up against such a strong enemy and they haven't attacked us directly yet, then we should take our time preparing ourselves."

Heisei: "Alright then. With that last thing out of the way, then we have a plan going forwards."

Bujin: "First we need to construct new equipment for battle."

Spade: "Next is training to ensure were strong enough to take Kado down."

Fangire: "Then we focus our efforts on building the device that will take us to the final chapter."

Heisei: "And once all that's said and done, we face King Kado, and take him down! We'll save all of our worlds!"

Heisei: "And once all that's said and done, we face King Kado, and take him down! We'll save all of our worlds!"

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[World of Heisei]
[Breakfast and Upgrades!]

《Timeskip/One Night of Sleep Later》

After the meeting had finished, the different DWMA members gave the different world groups a tour around their school, before showing them their temporary residents, as a mass of beds had been set out inside of different classrooms, with one room per world, except for Fangire's who needed two due to their number. After 3 of the 4 groups had a terrifying encounter with this world's Constantly Chuckling Moon, they had gotten a much needed rest after their last encounters in their worlds. And now, our mass of heroes were all gathered in the DWMA's cafeteria in the little groups that made up their worlds.

《Bujin's group》

3 of the elite four were seen drinking tea while Inumuta continously typed away on his keyboard. Bujin and Mako were both seen lying with their heads on the table, Ryuko, sat next to them, but Takahashi, Senketsu, Yaki and Baka were missing.


Bujin: "Hungry..."


Mako: "I'm gonna die of starvation..."

Ryuko: "You two just woke up, and you ate last night, how are you starving already?"

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