World of Heisei #5

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{A-Are you gonna add this every time the Denliner's u-}

The DenLiner flew out of it's Rainbow Portal, exiting the Sands of Time and entering the World of Heisei once again. The Time Train was parked infront of the DWMA after doing a few laps around the building. After the train stopped, our heroes exited, Fangire had a mass of childlike glee as he stared at the printed Blueprints for the Sengoku and Genesis Drivers, along with the plans for the Goku Uniforms, as he was super excited to build/sew, all the while Baka followed him happily observing the boy as if he were a cute puppy.

Fangire: "Ahh! I can't wait to make these new Drivers! And these Goku Uniform things, they're basically Full Body Drivers! So cool! So Cool!"

Baka: "You're really excited to make these, huh?"

Fangire: "Yeah! You can ask Kenji, I've always loved building things, especially when it came to Hero Equipment and Suits!"

Fangire said, when suddenly, Satsuki's hand landed onto Fangire's shoulder, quickly grabbing the excited boy's attention, as she faced with a serious expression.

Satsuki: "I wouldn't be so light hearted about this Fangire. You need to be very careful when handling the Life Fibers, Deactivated or Not, these things are parasites, powerful ones."

Hearing this only made Fangire chuckle as he gained a cocky smirk.

Fangire: "Ha! I've dealt with Fangire and other types of Demon Magic all my life, and it's way more volatile then some stupid Space Parasites! Hell, I've blown off, reconnected and regrown my arms more times than I can count!"

Fangire said as Satsuki took her hand off of the Y/n's shoulder, and went to retort, only to be stopped when a thunk was heard next to the two, revealing Bujin, who had just dropped a large white futuristic suitcase holding some of the Deactivated Life Fibers they had just gained.

Bujin: "Hey, don't underestimate him. He may be a Kid, but we've seen first hand what he can do... Plus! He's still way smarter than all of us when we were his age! ESPECIALLY YOU!"

Bujin said happily as he began walking off, quickly making the Kiryuin glare at him.

Satsuki: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Bujin: "Remember all those Grandiose Speeches that all got invalided 5 Minutes after you made them?"

Satsuki: "That was 29 Years Ago!"


Bujin said happily while he and Satsuki walked off, causing Fangire to chuckle as he followed behind them. The four of them, along with the rest of the group quickly unloaded the cases full of Life Fibers out of the Time Train, before it quickly flew off back into the Sands of Time. As the train let out it's signature sound once again, as the group began making their way inside the giant academy with the boxes in hand... only to quickly be stopped and shocked when a door inside the school slammed open, quickly revealing Denki who panted a bit as he ran onto the scene.

Fangire: "Oh! Hey Kaminari! What's the rush?"

Denki: "H-Hey, Y/n, Mr. Heisei, Bujin-san... you guys need to see this..."

Hearing this quickly confused everyone as they stared at eachother for a moment... but it was only for a moment.


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