2.) Fear Filled Eyes

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Bakugou POV:


It better not be directed at me... I'll kill him if he's laughing at me...

I watched him as he fell to his knees, still laughing. I wanted to be angry but..... there was one problem..... it was actually really funny. I felt a chuckle escape my mouth and immediately coughed in an attempt to hide my amusement. How can one person's laugh be so stupidly contagious??

Trying to suppress my laughter and hide my probably flushed face from Sharkboy, I looked around at the other extras fighting each other. If even a single person saw me laughing with freaking Sh*tty Hair right now I swear it will be the last thing they see....

Luckily everyone was pretty distracted with their own training and sparring.

Tokoyami and Iida were having a surprisingly intense battle in the artificial city across the arena. So were Asui and Ojiro by the giant fake rock formations.

I continued to ignore the urge to laugh at Sh*tty Hair as my gaze landed on two idiots in particular. The pair was sparring near the lake which left me dumbfounded. I could actually feel the scowl take shape on my face. Well would you look at that, Dunce Face is winning the idiot of the year award again and using his Quirk at full power near the water. I swear this is idiot is gonna accidently kill us al-


You've got to be kidding me right now.

My heart froze in its place.

Then everything around me phased into slow motion as I watched a huge and uncontrolled bolt of lightning shoot from the water and strike just above us.



I didn't have time to even so much as glance in his direction as my attention was immediately shifted upwards to the sound of destruction.

My stomach instantly dropped and I paused for a second, horror-struck.

I almost wished I hadn't looked up cuz it made me feel terrified, something I don't usually allow myself to feel.

But I took in the sight and watched as shattered cement starting falling straight for us on the ground.

At that moment, I felt my hands trembling at the impending doom and all I wanted to do was blast out of there. But my conscience reminded me of something. Kirishima is still down here.

At that reminder, the overpowering fear I was suffering from, dissolved. I shot my attention to Sh*tty Hair, still on his knees and calming his laughter.

The idiot didn't see Denki fall in the water or the lightning strike the arena above us. Which means he doesn't have any response time and he'll be buried in cement before he knows what hit him.

My chest tightened but instantly recovered when I realized what I could do. I forced the trembling away from my fingers and clenched my fists, ready to take action.

You're a freaking hero for crying out loud, Katsuki! You don't have time to be afraid of what might happen to you!! He's gonna bite the dust if you don't do something!

Before I even realized my body taking action, I was launching myself at him with an explosion from my right hand. I heard crashing all around me and realized the cement was already reaching us, bone crushing. I felt the desperation spreading throughout me. I've got to get him out of here fast!!

As if on cue, his eyes met mine and my heart burned at the sight. This could be the last time I see his stupid face.

No. No no no, don't start thinking about that now. You've got a job to do!

Pulling myself back together, I summoned all the power I had left in me and blasted him as far away from here as possible.

As far away from me as possible.

Thank goodness the idiots reflexes are used to me always trying to blow him up. His quirk automatically activated and protected him from my explosion while still getting him out.

Good, it worked out as I thought it would.

I knew that I wouldn't have enough juice left to blast myself out of there too. At least not before all the cement had connected with the ground. But, I found myself struggling to care.

He'll get away.

He'll get away at least enough to avoid the worst of this. Not sure if I can say the same for me.

Tears pricked at my eyes.

Crap... I'm sorry Sh*tty Hair... kinda wish things could have turned out differently. Also kinda wish I'd at least had the courage to freaking kiss you that night before I decided to basically commit suicide for you.

I looked him in his suddenly fear filled eyes as he was launched away. I could tell from his expression that he now realized what was happening. What I was doing for him. It was weird, I don't think I've ever seen him look so scared.

Couldn't say the same about me though. I was too fixated on every single detail of his stupid face, just in case this was the last time I saw it. No time to be afraid. Concentrate on him.

Cement was connecting with the ground closer to me now. But I focused.


....everything just went black.

[Authors Notes]

Cliffhanger?? im sorry but also kinda not lol. Enjoy:)

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